Carol Everett on how Texas defunded Planned Parenthood

In February of 2013 Life Talk interviewed former abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett. She discussed how Texas defunded Planned Parenthood through Title X and Title 5. Texas Governor Rick Perry has told the Obama administration to keep their money- he will not fund the abortion giant. Then in December 2013 Carol returned to discuss how…

In February of 2013 Life Talk interviewed former abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett.

She discussed how Texas defunded Planned Parenthood through Title X and Title 5.

Texas Governor Rick Perry has told the Obama administration to keep their money- he will not fund the abortion giant.

Then in December 2013 Carol returned to discuss how pro-life restrictions passed in Texas are closing abortion clinics in the state.

Carol points out that, under the new laws, “Texas went from 95 abortion clinics providing Family Planning services in Texas to 2965 providers all across the state of Texas, even in rural areas, and I want you to know that I have been working for weeks to try and get that printed [in the media] and no one will print it.”

Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show produced in Denton, Texas by Life Dynamics.

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