What a bond: newborn baby won’t let go of mother after birth

A video going viral on youtube, shows a newborn baby holding onto his mother just after birth. The baby clings to his mother when hospital staff attempt to separate them. The video is a powerful pro-life message of the bond which begins while a child is still in the womb. The next time you hear…

A video going viral on youtube, shows a newborn baby holding onto his mother just after birth.

The baby clings to his mother when hospital staff attempt to separate them.

New Born Mother Vid 3

The video is a powerful pro-life message of the bond which begins while a child is still in the womb.

The next time you hear someone advocating abortion at any time in the pregnancy, including up to the moment of birth, show them this:



  1. That is downright beautiful. One of the sweetest things I’ve seen in a long time!

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