Baby saved after abortion bound mom watches vid of ambulance at clinic
BABY SAVED! An abortion bound woman chose life for her unborn child after pro-lifers showed her the video of a medical emergency at the clinic where she had scheduled her abortion. According to the Pro-life Action League, the woman had planned to have an abortion at the same clinic where pro-lifers documented an ambulance removing…
BABY SAVED! An abortion bound woman chose life for her unborn child after pro-lifers showed her the video of a medical emergency at the clinic where she had scheduled her abortion.
According to the Pro-life Action League, the woman had planned to have an abortion at the same clinic where pro-lifers documented an ambulance removing a patient weeks before.
The group posted this to their Facebook page, “We just found out from pro-lifers in Little Rock that a woman was planning to have an abortion at this clinic TODAY but after seeing our ambulance video, she changed her mind and chose life for her baby!”
Eric Scheidler national director of Pro-life Action League added this, “This past Friday, a woman CHOSE LIFE after watching this chilling video of an ambulance showing up at the abortion clinic in Little Rock, Arkansas.Staff of the pregnancy resource center across the street from the abortion clinic showed the woman this video, and she decided against abortion.”
The video the woman viewed is below:
Pro-Life Action League acquired the records of the emergency call through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which revealed TWO 911 calls at Little Rock Family Planning abortion clinic in Arkansas.
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