#49 – Is The Majority of America Pro-Life OR Pro-Choice?

Ever since Roe v. Wade was trashed, the abortion lobby has ratcheted up their claims that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But is this the reality?

Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!

Like how the abortion lobby has ratcheted up their claims that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But is this the reality?

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When Roe v. Wade was trashed, the abortion lobby ratcheted up their claim that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But remember, their definition of choice is that abortion should be legal through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason whatsoever, for no reason whatsoever, paid for with tax dollars, and done on minor girls without their parents’ knowledge. And there has never been one poll of the American people that found anything close to majority support for that position.

The fact is, if the pro-choice mob believed that the “pro-choice majority” actually existed, they would not have spent the last fifty years fighting to keep the abortion issue out of the legislative process where public opinion rules, and in the courts where public opinion is virtually irrelevant.



Watch more “Abortion Distortion” videos from Life Dynamics for the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position!
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. Learn more about our work.

For inquires or requests for interviews, please contact Sheila Crutcher at sheila@lifedynamics.com or (940) 380-8800.

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