#95 – Downplaying Abortion As A “Simple Procedure”
The abortion lobby tries to down play what happens in an abortion by describing it as a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. The question is, so what?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby tries to down play what happens in an abortion by describing it as a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. The reality is, these people can sell abortion as “quick and easy” all they want to, but that doesn’t change the fact that an innocent and helpless human being is killed.
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The abortion lobby tries to down play what happens in an abortion by describing it as a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes. Of course, this is not true when it comes to late-term abortions. Killing a baby at this point can be anything but simple, and it can take a long time to complete. But if what they’re talking about is early abortions, they’re right. The question is, so what?
Acts of violence are often simple and take no more than a few minutes. For example, robbing convenience stores is not complicated and every person in the place can be killed in just a few seconds. So does that mean it should it be legal? The reality is, these people can sell abortion as “quick and easy” all they want to, but that doesn’t change the fact that an innocent and helpless human being is killed.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#26 – When You Vote Pro-Choice, You ARE Pro-Choice!
When someone who claims to be pro-life, says they could vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion, that person is a fraud. The fact is, when you vote pro-choice you are pro-choice.
#9 – What A Post Abortion America Looks Like
The pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. But we have decades of real-world experience to show us what a post abortion America REALLY looks like.
#82 – “Abortion Saves The Lives Of Women Who Might Die In Childbirth!”
Abortion supporters claim that abortion is justified because it saves the lives of women who might die in childbirth. Watch to see how outrageous this claim is.