Abortionist convicted of sexually abusing patients will remain behind bars in lost appeal

An Arizona court has rejected an appeal by an abortionist who was convicted of sexually abusing several patients in his Phoenix abortion clinic. In 2004, abortionist Brian Finkel was found guilty in Marcopa County Superior Court of 22 counts of criminal sexual abuse. Finkel was originally charged with 67 sex counts. On Thursday, the Court…

An Arizona court has rejected an appeal by an abortionist who was convicted of sexually abusing several patients in his Phoenix abortion clinic.

Abortionist Finkel loses appeal 2015

In 2004, abortionist Brian Finkel was found guilty in Marcopa County Superior Court of 22 counts of criminal sexual abuse.

Brian Finkel arrested

Finkel was originally charged with 67 sex counts.

On Thursday, the Court of Appeals ruled that Finkel will remain behind bars, saying he couldn’t now raise issues that he hadn’t raised earlier in the appeals process.

The convicted abortionist, who once did 20% of the state’s abortions at his Metro Phoenix Women’s Clinic, earning $600,000-a-year killing unborn babies, was sentenced to nearly 35 years in prison.


Following his conviction, Finkel surrendered his medical license to the Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners.

Finkel AG report Image

During Finkel’s trial, one abortion patient testified that she had awakened after the abortion to find Finkel lying on top of her groping her breasts.

She told the court that on the day of her abortion she, “remembers waking up, opening my eyes, his hands were in my breasts groping me.

Brianfinkel-AZ Republic

The sexual assault victim said that Finkel told her that he was going to touch her in other places. Alarmed by this, she testified that when she glanced at the female attendant who was in the room with him, the abortion staffer just turned away.

The traumatized woman also testified that prior to that Finkel had thrown a gown at her and told her to undress and that he yanked the gown up to her throat when she had only pulled it up to her abdomen.

Other women who testified against Finkel said that his examinations were unlike any other they had by a physician by touching them in places their doctors had never touched for that type of exam.

In an interview on the pro-life show, Life Talk, one victim was courageous enough to recount her experience. Stating, “I know that I’m talking…telling him to stop that, this doesn’t seem right, what are you doing. Because of the sleep I’m being put under I couldn’t articulate it as well as I wanted to. And so I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep – at the same time saying ‘stop this, this isn’t right.’” The full interview can be seen below.

Detective Art Haduch told the court about an interview he conducted with Karen Corbett, one of Finkels’ medical assistants.

Finkel would particularly fondle the breasts of larger-chested women or women with breast enhancement. I asked Karen if she had ever been out of the room, and Finkel was alone with the patient. Karen said this happened numerous times,” he said.

Life Dynamics was instrumental in the arrest and conviction Brian Finkel as president, Mark Crutcher explained on their TV show, Life Talk.

Life Dynamics received taped interviews with law enforcement from some of Finkel’s abortion staff who were eye witnesses to some of these crimes, here are some excerpts:


POLICE: “Would Finkel wake patients by placing his hands on their breasts?

Abortion employee: “Yes sir, it’s true, that’s true. I’ve seen that…we’ve even told his wife.”

A third employee: “If she was attractive, he’d find a way to be alone with the patient.

Finkel consistently denied these charges and said he was never alone with any of his patients.

Another employee said this, “He’s like a monster…he told K.C.(employee) he’d pay to get her teeth done if she’d give him a **** (slang for oral sex).

Suport Life Dynamics prolife abortion

In addition, Crutcher also details more acts of sexual assault from abortion providers in his book Lime 5.

Lime5 Sarah Ad

The new Life Dynamics report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, exposes the problem during the #MeToo generation and looks to reveal further evidence of the hidden epidemic that is threatening women who walk into the nation’s abortion clinics.

Finkel’s attitude toward women was obvious for many years while local abortion supporters kept quiet.

Brian Finkel5

In 1999, the Phoenix New Times published an article on Finkel entitled, Trash-talking abortionist Dr. Brian Finkel has a message for pro-life zealots, Kiss My Ass.

In the article Finkel told the local media that he nicknamed the abortion clinic room his, “Vaginal Vault,” telling the media “this is where I do the deed.”

At the time, Finkel performed more than 2,000 abortions a year.

Finkel also called the Synevac Vacuum Curettage abortion machine the “Super Sucker.”

He told reporters that, “this is my abortion machine, where I do the Lord’s work. I heal the sick with it.”

suction machine

As Finkel gave reporters a tour of the clinic, he bragged:

This is another room, where I do the nasty, as the bad boys say. When I go to the new office, I’m going to have three procedure rooms! I can hardly wait!

On December 14, 2006, the Phoenix New Times ran a follow-up report entitled, Hey Diddle Diddle, Abortion doctor Brian Finkel will remain in prison for at least 20 more years, after a recent appellate court loss.

The story focused on a letter the New Times received from a cell mate of Finkel’s, James Stites, who is serving a six-year prison sentence for attempting to molest a child.

Since I’ve been in here,” Stites wrote, “I have heard how he loved his job because he got to play with a lot of breasts and how he enjoyed rubbing their crotch. Now he’s telling us he will be out on the streets in 2006 because the courts screwed up on his case. . . . Can you let me know if this is true or not because this is one sick son-of-a-bi*** and doesn’t need to be on the inside.”


In a prophetic sort of way, the convicted abortionist once talked about the kind of people who run abortion clinics, “There’s a rubric for people that own these [abortion] clinics. They’re known as “the slum lords of abortion, because they really try to have as marginal a facility as possible to maximize their profit. Unfortunately, you have these back alley- like abortion mills, and I will call them a mill…. these slum lords that take advantage of women who desperately need health care. I’m going to catch a lot of flack for telling the truth, but there are a lot of places like this.


  1. Pingback: Pro Life America
  2. Mary RN retired says:

    I’m ashamed to share this article, but we must know the truth about the abortion industry and end this evil! Abortion harms women and brutally kills an innocent human being! i know first hand from my personal and family experience and professionally as a nurse over the years!

  3. Wayne B (rain) says:

    FYI, throughout his prison time Finkel has always joined as many “prisoner dating” organizations as he can. What a catch, huh?

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