Episode 32 | The 2020 Election Results & The Long Game

Episode Synopsis: The 2020 elections are proving to be as eventful as promised. As America waits for the results of the election, we discuss the fight to flip Texas “Blue,” fraud and riots, and the millions spent and lost by Democrats. Plus, we discuss what the elections mean for the pro-life movement and provide a…

Episode Synopsis:

The 2020 elections are proving to be as eventful as promised. As America waits for the results of the election, we discuss the fight to flip Texas “Blue,” fraud and riots, and the millions spent and lost by Democrats. Plus, we discuss what the elections mean for the pro-life movement and provide a few important take-aways.

Episode Duration: 29 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. Everything is still up in the air (00:38)
  3. Wasted Money and the fight for Texas (1:23)
  4. Fraud and Riots (8:20)
  5. Comparing 2020 to the 1960s (16:50)
  6. What the elections mean for the pro-life movement (19:11)
  7. A few takeaways from the elections (24:08)
  8. Closing Statements (25:20)
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