Family’s pregnancy announcement reaction: crazy excitement!

A family in Texas reacted with excitement after an unusual pregnancy announcement. Austin residents Caryn & Bryan Canatella gave their family a DVD of memories for Christmas . As the family sat down to watch the DVD, it appeared to end, when the words, “But wait…there’s more,” appeared. Then a sonogram of the couple’s unborn…

A family in Texas reacted with excitement after an unusual pregnancy announcement.

Austin residents Caryn & Bryan Canatella gave their family a DVD of memories for Christmas .

DVD Christmas

As the family sat down to watch the DVD, it appeared to end, when the words, “But wait…there’s more,” appeared.

Then a sonogram of the couple’s unborn baby came into view and the family went crazy with excitement.

Pregnancy Anouncement DVD CHristmas

Pregnancy DVD CHristmas



Celebrating the gift of a baby is exciting!


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