Abortion Distortion #18: "Abortions often allow women to have successful careers!"

#18 – “Abortions often allow women to have successful careers!”

The pro-choice side argues that abortions often allow women to have successful careers that they could not have had if they were saddled with a baby. And if their point is that it’s possible to profit from killing other people, they’re right. In fact, it happens all the time. But is that really a justification for the intentional killing of another human being?

Obama fails to expose Planned Parenthood in Grammy Speech

A National pro-life leader is criticizing President Obama’s failure to expose Planned Parenthood, the largest organization responsible for the cover-up of men who rape girls during last night’s Grammy Awards. President Obama delivered a video message at the 57th annual Grammy Awards addressing violence against women and girls. The message read in part, “Together we…

A Healthy Abortion Regret

A Healthy Abortion Regret

Despite the literally thousands of support groups in the United States to help women overcome the emotional train wreck of abortion, the abortion lobby claims that most women don’t regret their abortions. The hidden irony in all this is that women who regret their abortions may actually be more mentally healthy than those who don’t.