Miraculous angelic encounter at abortion clinic saves Black woman’s life
A new film documents the miraculous angelic encounter that caused a mother to leave an abortion clinic and save the daughter she carried inside her womb.
A new film documents the miraculous angelic encounter that caused a mother to leave an abortion clinic and save the daughter she carried inside her womb.
MLK niece Alveda King addressed the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting this weekend at a march against abortion in Selma, Alabama whose message was Black Women Matter. Black leaders from across the nation attended the March in Selma to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws. According to organizer, Catherine Davis, over…
Kudos to Town Hall for discovering abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s hypocrisy in a tweet they posted during the Oscars referencing the film, Selma. The controversial #Oscars2015 tweet caused some backlash from those who know about Planned Parenthood’s racist agenda. It read, “Words to remember: “#Selma is now because the struggle for justice is right now.”…
During Black History Month in February show the MUST SEE documentary once featured in the Jubilee Film Festival in Selma, Al. to commemorate the historic “Bloody Sunday” anniversary of the Bridge Crossing Civil Rights march from Selma to Montgomery. They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for…