Abortion advocates defend Purvi Patel who threw newborn in trash

Abortion rights advocates are rushing to the defense of Purvi Patel, a woman convicted of feticide after throwing her newborn baby in a trash dumpster. The state of Indiana has sentenced the 33-year-old to 20 years in prison after taking abortion pills to abort the baby who was roughly thirty (30) weeks from conception. Prosecutor…

Violent pro-choice man who threatened pregnant girlfriend arrested again

An abusive pro-choice man from Illinois who once told his pregnant girlfriend that she better get an abortion or would kill her and the baby has been arrested again. 33-tear-old Duane D. Lee pleaded not guilty in Macon County Wednesday to felony counts of aggravated battery and domestic battery with a prior domestic battery conviction…

Abortionist convicted of sexually abusing patients will remain behind bars in lost appeal

An Arizona court has rejected an appeal by an abortionist who was convicted of sexually abusing several patients in his Phoenix abortion clinic. In 2004, abortionist Brian Finkel was found guilty in Marcopa County Superior Court of 22 counts of criminal sexual abuse. Finkel was originally charged with 67 sex counts. On Thursday, the Court…

Abortion advocates called savages for defending woman convicted of feticide

A national pro-life leader has called abortion advocates, savages, after they defended a woman recently convicted of feticide after taking abortion pills to kill her baby. Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas said abortion advocates never met a baby they didn’t want to kill. 33-year-old Purvi…

Pro-choicers to march past abortion clinic alter during mock funeral

Abortion rights advocates in Tennessee are organizing a “mock funeral” Saturday to mourn the loss of “reproductive rights” after the pro-life measure, Amendment 1 passed in the state, where they will march past an alter outside a Memphis abortion clinic. Tennessee voters approved Amendment 1 on Nov. 4. The pro-life measure reads, “nothing in this…

Shocking website exposes people who advocate for abortion

July 7, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “We think it’s important for people to understand the nature of the people we pro-lifers are going up against…I guarantee you that you cannot show what these pro-choice people are like and not have that reflect on the abortion issue itself.” ~ Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher. Life Dynamics,…

Shocking Video: Millions Dead – Abortion vs. War!

Today, Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has released a shocking video comparing unborn babies murdered inside American abortion clinics to those killed from American wars. ________________________________________ According to the latest statistics, there were 1.06 million abortions reported in the United States for the year 2011, the last year the…