Life Talk Pro-life News: July 2015

On the July 2015 episode of the pro-life TV show Life Talk, we discuss pro-life issues relating to abortion and P{planned Parenthood with Mark Crutcher, Renee Hobbs, Fr. Frank Pavone, and Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa. This month we welcome special guest Catherine Davis, the founder and president of the Restoration Project, who speaks to the…

Pro-life campaign outside NEA convention over abortion

Today, dozens of concerned pro-lifers in Orlando, Florida are conducting an awareness campaign outside the NEA Teacher’s Union Convention to expose their support of abortion. According to Bob Pawson, director of Pro-Life Educators of America, who heads up the annual campaign, pro-Life teachers, parents, and students from the greater Orlando area hope to educate the…

Alveda King: we have lawlessness b/c we don’t value life from conception

MLK niece Alveda King addressed the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting this weekend at a march against abortion in Selma, Alabama whose message was Black Women Matter. Black leaders from across the nation attended the March in Selma to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws. According to organizer, Catherine Davis, over…

Free speech lawsuit filed by pro-life students against University settled for $20K

In a victory for pro-life students in Idaho, Boise State University has agreed to pay $20K to pro-life students and has revised its policy for campus demonstrations to allow controversial events without warning signs. The decision follows a lawsuit filed on behalf of the pro-life student group Abolitionists4Life. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represented…

Clinic owner to use abortion suction machines for “show and tell”

A Texas abortion owner wants to use the abortion suction machines at her closed facility for “show and tell” to reduce what she calls “abortion stigma.” Texas has been the site where several abortion clinics have closed because they could not comply with state law that requires abortion facilities comply with the minimum health and…