Episode 42 | How You Can Help End The Killing
Special Guest, Sheila Crutcher, is back to join us as we talk about how communities across Texas are standing up for the unborn and the role of the church in the abortion battle!
Special Guest, Sheila Crutcher, is back to join us as we talk about how communities across Texas are standing up for the unborn and the role of the church in the abortion battle!
While the pro-life movement has had a long and bumpy journey, and will continue to face obstacles, we are winning. So it is even more important that we ACT on a daily basis.
Abortion and rape are often touted as reasons for keeping child killing in the womb legal. But, rape victims and rape conceived are speaking out that all life is precious! This week, Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund launched a state-wide educational campaign which includes TV spots and short films featuring women who share…
This week, as many gathered to mourn the 42nd anniversary of legalized abortion in America, many African Americans spoke up about Black Genocide from abortion in their communities. Rev. David Young spoke at a pro-life event focusing on “Black Lives Matter — Every Life Matters,” where, according to a story published by New Castle News,…
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and co-host of the national pro-life show, Life Talk TV, says pro-lifers will not relent until America is abortion free. Newman was reporting from outside Planned Parenthood in D.C. where thousands of pro-lifers will take part in the annual March for Life. Newman is the co-author of the new…
On the day pro-lifers commemorate the slaughter of millions of unborn children from legalized abortion on demand, President Obama has vowed to veto legislation that would defund taxpayer abortion. The bill, known as H.R. 7 was sponsored by NJ Representative, Chris Smith. The veto threat came down as pro-lifers assemble in Washington to march in…
Pro-lifers already assembling in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life which mourns the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand, are also planning protests at the offices a Rep. Renee Ellmers as well as Senator Mitch McConnell. This morning, Rev. Pat Mahoney led pro-lifers in prayer at outside offices of…
A March for Life event was led by pro-lifers commemorating little Annabelle Marie Roos whose family refused to abort her after she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. The message of the Annabelle’s Army marchers is “Every Life Matters, Every Life Counts.” On January 5th, little Annabelle was carried into heaven to be with…
At a Colorado March for Life event this weekend something amazing happened while pro-lifers gathered and sang Amazing Grace. As the music played and the group sang, what appears to be doves begin to fly overhead. ‘ The crowd was amazed, you could hear gasps and someone say, “Look at that, it’s Beautiful!” Watch below!
A pro-life group has announced that they will be showing graphic abortion images of the unborn victims in a video on their JumboTV at the March for Life in D.C. this week. Created Equal said that the 42nd anniversary of Roe V. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in America provides all of us an…