Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

This week, we discuss the often concealed connections between the Nazis and Margaret Sanger, the organization she founded, and the “birth control” movement. We confront the pro-choice claim that Hitler was pro-life. Also, we reveal details about colleagues of Sanger’s such as Eugen Fischer, Harry Laughlin, & Lothrop Stoddard and why The American Birth Control League would change its name to Planned Parenthood. Finally, we talk about Josef Mengele: the SS doctor at Auschwitz dubbed “the angel of death,” who later became an abortionist.

The Stain Of Their Shed Blood

The Stain Of Their Shed Blood

The parallels between the modern-day holocaust and the Nazi Holocaust are eerie. Despite some peoples’ attempts to forget these holocausts because they feel uncomfortable, sad or like to think that something that horrible could never take place – the world must face the truth. The blood of the innocent cries out and will always leave a stain on our world.

Auschwitz reminds us one day we’ll view abortion clinics with same horror

Tuesday, January 27, 2015, the world recalled 70th years since the liberation of the horrific Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. A national pro-life leader says that one day abortion clinics will be viewed with the same horror. According to the Holocaust Memorial Museum: Auschwitz I was constructed to serve three purposes: 1) to incarcerate real and…