Media looks other way as more Kermit Gosnells remain

A national pro-life leader says that as we pass another anniversary since the murder convictions of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, the media continues to look the other way while more Gosnells remain. In May of 2013, Gosnell was found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder involving the deaths of four babies delivered alive and…

No criminal charges for church which displayed pro-life signs on private property

Officials have rescinded their threat to levy criminal charges against a local church over its display of pro-life messages on private property. On April 20, 2015, The Virginia church located in the City of Harrisburg was ordered by the to take down the two pro-life signs which were displayed on their property. Life Dynamics first…

Students react to Black Lives Matter abortion display

Black students in North Carolina learn that abortion is killing their race with a provocative “Black Lives Matter” exhibit at a historical black college. Rev. Johnny Hunter, a past co-host, on Life Talk TV, shared how he and several other African American pro-lifers brought the “Black Lives Matter” project to the campus of Fayetteville State…

Mothers of babies born premature speak against abortion

Born as young as 19 and 24 weeks, these beautiful pictures of babies were shared with a pro-life group by mothers shocked about legal abortion. The images were published on Live Action’s Facebook page in response to the group’s very powerful “Inhuman” investigation. Writing for the Live Action Blog, Becky Yeh explains: The video reveals…

Stanford law professor to appeal Purvi Patel case pro bono after she threw her baby in dumpster

A Stanford law professor said he plans to appeal feticide and neglect charges for Purvi Patel who threw her baby boy in a trash dumpster after taking abortion pills. The 33-year-old Indiana woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison earlier this year for throwing the almost fully developed baby into a dumpster behind a…

Planned Parenthood wants an authentic abortion dialogue – pro-lifers say bring it!

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood claims they want an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” and the pro-life community says bring it on! In an op-Ed written by Cecile Richards and published in Time, the president of Planned Parenthood writes, “America has an urgent need for authentic public dialogue about abortion.” Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization…

TV meteorologist says boyfriend forced her to have abortion

A female TV meteorologist claims that her pro-choice ex-boyfriend forced her to have an abortion and threatened her life. According to the New York Post, 48-year-old Stephen Jones, the millionaire head of auditing firm KPMG’s Global Strategy Group, told his ex-girlfriend, 30-year-old Roxanna Haynes, a former Fox and CBS journalist , “I will kill you…