So-called “Christian” says she feels no empathy for aborted babies

A woman who claims to be a “Christian pastor” has published an astonishing video saying she has no sympathy for unborn black babies targeted for abortion. “What I am about to say, I am a Christian, I’ve served in a Pastoral capacity in three churches, I uh, I am an active minister, and um, I…

A woman who claims to be a “Christian pastor” has published an astonishing video saying she has no sympathy for unborn black babies targeted for abortion.

Nikki Brooks YouTube Vid

“What I am about to say, I am a Christian, I’ve served in a Pastoral capacity in three churches, I uh, I am an active minister, and um, I don’t make apology for what I am about to say,” Nikki Brooks states in her vid.

She is apparently upset that the Black community, which is being targeted for abortion by racist eugenics groups like Planned Parenthood, is also being criticized because they are not speaking out for the unborn in many Black Lives Matters protests.

Nikki Brooks FB

I have never, not one time ever, shed a tear for another woman’s unborn child that she chose to abort. I never have,” Brooks states emphatically.

Aborted Baby

“I don’t have a conviction about it. I uh believe that life is important to God but I also know that’s why he’s God and I’m not.’

She goes on to state: “I have however shed meany tears for the three I chose to lay up and have.”

Here is what she cries over:

    Being in a classroom with one teacher and 28 students and only a few knew how to read.

    Her Junior High students whose only meals come from the school.

    Children deserving of probation who got prison.

Nikki Brooks YouTube

Nikki Brooks calls the Black Lives Matters abortion connection a bogus argument saying she won’t be boxed in to anyone telling her she cannot advocate for one thing if she doesn’t advocate for another.

“I have never cried over a woman’s unborn fetus…I believe that the lives that are here right now and the quality of those lives, that’s what matters,” she says again.

Of course, in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus himself told us to care for the “least of these,” which of course includes the poor and downtrodden but does NOT exclude the unborn child.

In fact in Proverbs 24:11 commands us to, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”

The Psalmist pays tribute to the personhood of the unborn child in the womb, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

So, why would Nikki Brooks say that Black people especially professing Christian Black people, should have no concern for abortion?

Your guess is a good as mine.

Watch her rant below:

According to an online group, 4.4 million Blacks have been killed by abortion over the 22 years between 1990 and 2011.

A report just released by the Center for Disease Control dated November 28, 2014 reveals that in 2011 almost 56% of all abortions reported for race were done on minority women.

The history of legal abortion is based in eugenics racism.

Maafa21 Banner

Anyone who thinks otherwise should watch the powerful documentary film, Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America.

REPUBLISHED From SAYNSUMTHN BLOG where the story originally appeared.

In a video uploaded by Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher in 2013, he called the idea of a “pro-choice Christian” absurd!

Watch that here and leave your comments on what this woman had to say.

Do you believe she is a Christian?


  1. Tamiko Anderson says:

    Consider the source. This female is hypocritical, double talker… She say that she is not God (of course she isn’t) then she says she has not cried for others unborn CHILDREN. Life is from God. All life. That is opposite of God. She is then trying to set in Gods seat. She says that we should listen to her and not be concerned with life. .. This is illogical talk. It sounds like satanist message. It doesn’t make sense.

  2. elaine riddick says:

    Lady you are not a real woman serving God because if you were you would be doing his will and not yours ,one thing is for sure is that you are taking money from your members to send your children to a camp that cost over $900.00 a week and on top of that you don’t sound like a Christian!

  3. Angela Simon says:

    I do not believe this woman is a Christian woman to say the things she said every life is precious being black or white and life is a heart beats and that’s What those babies have how can you not feel for that sweet little innocent child of God??

  4. Jesus said, “if the light in you be darkness, how great is that darkness?”! There is a huge disconnect between this woman and the life that is in Christ, she is in deception.

  5. Do unto anothers baby’s as you would have others do unto you when you were a baby.
    Christians supporting abortion is confusion

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