Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Has the USPS spied on you? What would once be an absurd thought is now something that has even the liberal outlet Politico asking questions. We discuss this and other shady business in the news right now such as: abortion clinics requesting ambulances with no lights or sirens for injured women, the hypocrisy of the Dallas Morning News, and Kamala Harris’s video endorsing Terry McAuliffe that is slated to be shown at 300 churches – despite the fact it violates the Johnson Amendment.

Ambulance leaves Planned Parenthood with lights flashing and sirens blaring

Witnesses outside a Planned Parenthood in Washington State observed an ambulance, transporting a women for emergency care, leave the abortion clinic with lights flashing and sirens blaring. According to Operation Rescue, members of the group, Sidewalk Advocates for Life of Spokane were able to document an ambulance racing to the hospital with a patient from…

Abortion clinic wraps woman like a mummy and rushes her to the hospital by ambulance

A pro-life group is reporting that a woman wrapped like a mummy has been sent to the hospital from an same abortion clinic where a woman died last year. According to Operation Rescue, abortionist Lisa Perriera who works at the Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, was responsible for the botched second trimester abortion that…

Third ambulance called to California abortion clinic in past few months

An ambulance has been summoned for the third time in the past few months to transfer a patient from a California abortion clinic. On the same day that pro-life sidewalk counselors Tim and Terri Palmquist reported that 5 babies were saved outside the FPA Women’s Health abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California, the Lifesavers Ministries couple…

Baby saved after abortion bound mom watches vid of ambulance at clinic

BABY SAVED! An abortion bound woman chose life for her unborn child after pro-lifers showed her the video of a medical emergency at the clinic where she had scheduled her abortion. According to the Pro-life Action League, the woman had planned to have an abortion at the same clinic where pro-lifers documented an ambulance removing…

Abortion clinic inspection bill sponsor: instruments not sterilized properly

An Illinois bill requiring an annual abortion clinic inspection has been prompted by documentation that clinics and Planned Parenthood centers are rarely if ever inspected. Bill sponsor Rep. Sheri Jesiel said that some Illinois abortion clinics are unsanitary. “We know from some of the ones we have inspected,” said Jesiel , “that there’s evidence of…

Woman who said clinic botched abortion to speak at press conference

A woman who claims she had a botched abortion which landed her in the hospital will be testifying at a press conference outside a Michigan abortion clinic. On Tuesday afternoon, pro-lifers will gather in Lathrup Village outside the Women’s Center of Southfield to call for a permanent revocation of the clinic’s license. The clinic is…