Pro-life group publishes autopsy of woman killed from legal abortion

“We are going to show America what it looks like when women climb onto a table for an abortion and end up on an autopsy table a few hours later.” ~ Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher. Life Dynamics, Inc. a national pro-life organization in Denton, Texas has published the autopsy images of a woman who…

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We are going to show America what it looks like when women climb onto a table for an abortion and end up on an autopsy table a few hours later.” ~ Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher.

Life Dynamics, Inc. a national pro-life organization in Denton, Texas has published the autopsy images of a woman who died from a legal abortion.

The images have been posted on the website Safe and Legal (

The website details the story of 18 year-old Marla Cardamone and her unborn child, both victims of legal abortion.

As the website explains, a medical counselor told the 18 year-old pregnant woman that the prescription medication she had been taking would cause her baby to be born with severe birth defects.

This counselor then began to push Marla to have an abortion. When she refused, the pressure was increased until it became more than she could resist.

At that point, an abortionist was brought in to kill her baby.

While he was at it, he also killed Marla.

What you will see is a picture of what this young woman looked like on the day she went for her “safe and legal” abortion.
(Click for Autopsy Images of Marla)

SafeandLegalabortion Marla Cardamone

Marla died before her son was taken out of her body. His grandmother named him Christopher Michael and requested that he be buried with his mother. She was informed that his body had already been thrown out as “medical waste.”

Unborn Autopsy Photo Marla's Babyphoto-41-698x1024

This is the actual coroner’s photo of him still inside her womb.

According to Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, “The pro-life movement has never had images to illustrate the unimaginable brutality and ugliness of women being killed in America’s “Safe and Legal” abortion clinics. But those days are over. We are going to show America what it looks like when women climb onto a table in one of these places and end up on an autopsy table a few hours later.”

Deborah Cardamone on Life Talk

When Marla was killed having an abortion, her mother, Deborah, vowed that she would never let her daughter be forgotten. She approached Crutcher and asked him to help her show the public the risks women face when they submit to abortions.

Deborah said that when Marla died the funeral director asked if they should close the casket. Deborah responded that she wanted the casket open so people could see what abortion did to her daughter. This response is similar to what Emmett Till’s mom did after her 16 year-old black son was brutally killed because of his color. She refused to hide what was done to her son and had an open casket funeral.

Deborah’s reasons for releasing her daughter’s autopsy photos are detailed in a special Life Talk interview available here:


Crutcher says that producing the website was very difficult, “I don’t want anyone to think that this was comfortable for us. But there comes a point when we have to decide, are we going to stop this, or are we going to just talk about it? We need to hold this in front of the American people and we need to make the abortion industry explain this.

Remember Tonya WOmen Deserve Better

In addition to Marla, also details the tragic death of Tonya Reaves who died following her legal abortion at Planned Parenthood.

When 24-year-old Tonya Reaves climbed onto a table at a Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago for a “safe and legal” abortion she never knew she would be closing her eyes for the final time. What is now known is that the Planned Parenthood abortionist ripped a hole in Ms. Reaves’ uterus and she began to hemorrhage. It is also known that the Planned Parenthood staff let Tonya lie there for over five hours before they sought emergency care for her. Of course, by then it was too late. She had lost approximately 30 percent of her body’s total blood volume, before she died. Her family is now suing Planned Parenthood.

The website also contains a list of hundreds of women killed by legal abortion.

Mark Crutcher2013

Crutcher concludes, “In recent years, the number of people who call themselves pro-life has grown dramatically and a significant factor in this has been the use of graphic photos of aborted babies. Those images have transformed the argument that abortion is the brutal execution of a living human being from a philosophy into an observable fact. And today, even abortion advocates rarely bother to deny the humanity of the unborn. Instead, they continue to hammer away that abortion has to be legal so it will be safe. Meanwhile, those of us in the pro-life movement point out that women are often severely injured or killed in these “safe and legal” abortions. The problem is that we’ve never had images to illustrate the unimaginable brutality and ugliness of these deaths. When people hear about women dying from abortion the image that comes to their minds is of scripted funerals with soft music playing in the background and the deceased lying peacefully “asleep” in a polished coffin. Because of that sanitized image of death, the public has no idea what it actually looks like when a young woman walks into an abortion clinic and ends up lying on an autopsy table. For the last 40 years, that reality has hidden one of the pro-choice community’s dirtiest little secrets. But now, due to the courage of just one grieving mom, that has changed. These are powerful new weapons unlike anything the pro-life movement has ever had before. For the first time in our history, we’re going to make it clear to Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry that the days are over when they can kill the Marla Cardamones of this world and then sweep their dead bodies under the rug.”

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