Obama fails to expose Planned Parenthood in Grammy Speech

A National pro-life leader is criticizing President Obama’s failure to expose Planned Parenthood, the largest organization responsible for the cover-up of men who rape girls during last night’s Grammy Awards. President Obama delivered a video message at the 57th annual Grammy Awards addressing violence against women and girls. The message read in part, “Together we…

Auschwitz reminds us one day we’ll view abortion clinics with same horror

Tuesday, January 27, 2015, the world recalled 70th years since the liberation of the horrific Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. A national pro-life leader says that one day abortion clinics will be viewed with the same horror. According to the Holocaust Memorial Museum: Auschwitz I was constructed to serve three purposes: 1) to incarcerate real and…

Black Genocide a reality to African Americans week of Roe

This week, as many gathered to mourn the 42nd anniversary of legalized abortion in America, many African Americans spoke up about Black Genocide from abortion in their communities. Rev. David Young spoke at a pro-life event focusing on “Black Lives Matter — Every Life Matters,” where, according to a story published by New Castle News,…

Obama to veto bill to defund taxpayer abortion as bill passes house!

On the day pro-lifers commemorate the slaughter of millions of unborn children from legalized abortion on demand, President Obama has vowed to veto legislation that would defund taxpayer abortion. The bill, known as H.R. 7 was sponsored by NJ Representative, Chris Smith. The veto threat came down as pro-lifers assemble in Washington to march in…

Pro-lifers to protest office of Rep. Renee Ellmers over abortion

Pro-lifers already assembling in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life which mourns the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand, are also planning protests at the offices a Rep. Renee Ellmers as well as Senator Mitch McConnell. This morning, Rev. Pat Mahoney led pro-lifers in prayer at outside offices of…

Pregnant woman kicked in stomach by boyfriend who did not want baby

Montgomery County, Ohio police say a 25-year-old pregnant woman was allegedly assaulted by her boyfriend after he said he didn’t want the baby. When neighbors found the woman she told them she she had been repeatedly kicked in the stomach by her boyfriend, 24-year-old Tanner “Devon” Hopkins and that she was “dying.” At the time…

Pro-life Bikers to ride where the Roe v. Wade abortion case began

Pro-life Bikers will join the North Texas March for Life in Dallas, Texas where the Roe v. Wade abortion case originated. The North Texas Ride for Life will take place on Saturday, January 17th at 3:00 PM. Last year, pro-life bikers from Bikers for Life, founded by the pro-life organization, Life Dynamics brought electricity to…

Abortion radicals to protest Black pro-life rally

A radical pro-abortion group is calling activists to counter protest the pro-life Stand up for Life Walk in Oakland, California to, as they recently tweeted, stand up “against the vicious lie that #abortion is black genocide!” Stop Patriarchy, a pro-choice group which recently gained notoriety for their bizarre protests against the Texas pro-life law, HB2…

Exposed: abortion industry pedophile protection racket

In 2014, Life Dynamics saw an increased interest in our Child Predator project where we exposed the abortion industry’s pedophile protection racket. In July, we released the second part of our Child Predator project. The new report, entitled, “The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse”, contains actual cases of criminal prosecutions against men who have been…