No Outrage From The Media About The Women Raped In Abortion Clinics – Just Radio Silence.

In recent years the subject of sexual assault and rape has come into the public spotlight, with movements like #MeToo leading the cause. Life Dynamics recently released the project, “America’s Hidden Sex Scandal,” a grisly look into what goes on behind abortion clinic doors. The content is the stuff nightmares are made of and a scandal that the abortion lobby and mainstream media has intentionally been trying to hide.

In recent years the subject of sexual assault and rape has come into the public spotlight, with movements like #MeToo leading the cause.

Meanwhile, the issue of rape and sexual assault inside abortion clinics has remained in the shadows.

Life Dynamics recently released the project, “America’s Hidden Sex Scandal,” a grisly look into what goes on behind abortion clinic doors. The content is the stuff nightmares are made of and a scandal that the abortion lobby and mainstream media has intentionally been trying to hide.

It is undeniable that thousands of women have been raped or sexually assaulted in American abortion clinics. So where is #MeToo? Read more at

They understand that the image of women being sexually assaulted in abortion clinics would be a public relations nightmare for the pro-choice effort. So today, when a woman makes such an accusation, the media will either ignore it altogether or simply identify the perpetrator as a doctor and omit any reference to abortion.

But despite their collective effort to remain silent about this epidemic – word is starting to get out.

Currently, the effort to help Life Dynamics educate the public has been championed by religious or conservative programs. Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, has recently been interviewed on several radio and podcast shows to discuss the issue.

On “The Catholic Current”, Mark discussed with the show’s host, Father Robert McTeigue, why the #MeToo movement and mainstream media has remained silent and how the victims of these assaults have simply been written off as collateral damage in the political war to keep abortion legal.

This means that an unknown number of the thousands of women who walk into this nation’s abortion clinics every day will end up in the hands of violent sexual predators- with the total number of victims reaching into the thousands.

One reason the problem is so prevalent, is because abortion-seeking women are highly vulnerable to rape and sexual assault. On “The Schilling Show”, Mark discussed why this is so and that the underreporting by the victims, are just one reason why the abortionists are able to continue raping and sexually assaulting their clients.

“The most reliable estimates are that fewer than one in five of all sexual assaults are ever reported; and when the stigma of abortion is involved that number is going to plummet even further”.

-Mark Crutcher

Because the mainstream media won’t give a voice to these women or make the public aware of this issue, it is your obligation to!

First, it is imperative that people know that this is going on!

Spread the word far and wide! Tell everyone you know about this. (You can direct them to the project’s website – ) We even have action cards that you can carry around and pass out to spread awareness about this issue!

In what business is a woman most likely to be raped or sexually assaulted? Find out at:
This “action card” is the size of a business card and easily draws people in!

Second, sign the petition demanding a federal investigation into this issue!

Third, share this with media outlets and politicians.

Have a favorite YouTube show, radio program, or podcast? Let them know that this is something you would like to see them discuss. And don’t stop there. The mainstream media will continue to ignore this as long as we let them. Put pressure on them to talk about and acknowledge this issue!

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support.

Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to do this project. We kindly ask that you continue to support Life Dynamics. Your support allows us to uncover and expose the abortion industry for what it really is. This has a real world impact by changing hearts and saving innocent lives. Remember, “Life Dynamics isn’t here to just put up a good fight. We’re here to win, because winning is how the killing stops!”


  1. Frank Gotham Simon says:

    what % of women that go in for an abortion actually get raped or sexually assaulted?

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