March for Life led by Annabelle’s Army named for baby docs wanted to abort
A March for Life event was led by pro-lifers commemorating little Annabelle Marie Roos whose family refused to abort her after she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. The message of the Annabelle’s Army marchers is “Every Life Matters, Every Life Counts.” On January 5th, little Annabelle was carried into heaven to be with…
A March for Life event was led by pro-lifers commemorating little Annabelle Marie Roos whose family refused to abort her after she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. The message of the Annabelle’s Army marchers is “Every Life Matters, Every Life Counts.”
On January 5th, little Annabelle was carried into heaven to be with Jesus. She peacefully passed away in the arms of her mom with her dad and aunt rubbing her gently.
Annabelle was diagnosed on July 14, 2014 with full Trisomy 18.
When doctors recommended terminating the pregnancy, or killing Annabelle in the womb, the Roos family chose to carry Annabelle to full term and give her the best chance at life.
Annabelle’s birth on Dec. 29, 2014 was a miracle and God sustained her for 150 beautiful hours of life, when she entered heaven on Jan. 5, 2015.
The family has created the Facebook page: Annabelle’s Army to tell her story.
On the day Annabelle was taken to Heaven, her loving family posted this message to her Facebook page:
- God said YES to every prayer for Annabelle that we had asked and did abundantly more than we had ever hoped for. Today, she is in the arms of her King – completely healed and completely whole.
Despite our broken hearts and deep mourning, we cannot thank our Father enough for the perfect life He gave her and the impact she has made. Thank you for joining us in praying over her life. Every bit of Annabelle and our moments with her were beautiful.
Today is a day to mourn, to be grateful, to consider the greatness of our God, to dwell in His loving presence, and to remember that our sweet Annabelle is dancing in heaven today. “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18
Scripture says, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart.” Ecclesiastes 7:2
We hope and pray that your life was changed by our little girl. God’s love and care for her is the exact same that he has for you today.
Just days after her passing, the page commemorating Annabelle’s life also mourned the lives of unborn children killed from abortion.
Annabelle’s family even encouraged pro-lifers to carry a sign of protection for children like Annabelle to their local March for Life in Dallas:
As pro-lifers in North Texas marched Annabelle’s Facebook page showed a list of reasons pro-lifers need to speak out for children like Annabelle and the millions killed from legalized abortion in the womb:
- For Annabelle, who was suggested to be terminated at 12 weeks gestation because she was deemed “incompatible” with life. Her parents choose life, and 26 weeks later she proved she was VERY compatible with life and lived a beautiful 150 hours full of love and comfort. Today, we march for the 9/10 babies with disorders that didn’t get that same chance at life that Annabelle did – who never knew the feeling of being held or loved.
For the over 56+ million children who have been legally aborted since 1973. That’s 2x the entire population of Texas. For every little child that never had a voice, we march for you today.
For the millions of men and women who were told that their choice would give them freedom, yet they live in shame. We march for your lost babies and for your aching hearts. We march to give you hope.
Today I (Annabelle’s Aunt) march for my little boy who is 20 weeks in the womb today. If hit by a car on the way to the march and my baby did not survive, the offender would be charged with man slaughter and imprisoned. But if I took my own baby to the abortion clinic and had his 7” fully functional frame pulled limb from limb out of my body – I would walk away scot free. Today I march for change in the legal system and for the rights of my son.
When our grandchildren look back at this 40+ year epidemic and ask us what we did about it, we can say that WE FOUGHT FOR LIFE!
Join us today as Annabelle’s Army leads the way during the March for Life in Downtown Dallas starting at 3pm.
And so they did…
Life Dynamics also attended the the march with Bikers for Life.
You can see our Ride for the Unborn signs among Annabelle’s Army posters and shirts:
A video tribute to the life of precious Annabelle Marie Roos has been uploaded to YouTube:
To read more about Annabelle’s journey, visit
Tragically, doctors often encourage abortion for mothers pregnant with little angels like Annabelle.
Life Dynamics recently interviewed the mother of another child born with Trisomy 18.
You can watch that interview, from our February 2015, Life Talk TV show here in a few days.
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