God’s Megaphone

It may seem like all hope is lost and we may be hanging our heads as we watch the light of what our nation is about fading. But we continue on.

Written By: Sheila Crutcher
Life Dynamics Staff

The days have seemed grim.

It has seemed like one of those moments when you wake up, disoriented, asking yourself if it’s reality or a strange dream. As much as we would like for it to be a dream, we aren’t going to wake up from one. This is the reality that we must accept – voter fraud happened during the 2020 election. We are no longer a democratic republic where “We the People” choose who our leaders are, instead, they are installed.

How can we ever have confidence in our voting process and in the system of checks-and-balances that our founding fathers have laid out? At this point, it seems like we might as well tear up the physical copy of the Constitution of the United States because we are no longer following it. We have “leaders” where power and money mean more to them than Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.

How can we go on?

The harsh answer? We just do.

It may seem like all hope is lost and we may be hanging our heads as we watch the light of what our nation is about fading. But we continue on.

Don’t you think that the Israelites felt this way when they were under Egypt’s rule and then wandering the desert? Don’t you think that Jesus’ disciples felt this way as they set out to spread the Good News, all the while being ridiculed and persecuted? Don’t you think that the Pilgrims felt this way as they set off for the New World, not knowing what lay ahead of them? And don’t you think that the Patriots felt this way as they were fighting the English to protect the new country that they had founded?

In all of these cases, there was great hardship and tribulation. In all of these cases, all hope might have seemed lost for those at the time. But we must realize that they didn’t give up! They changed the course of history. What would have happened if they had just given up because they felt like all was lost and the odds against them were insurmountable?

So, let’s remember that it is not our time to give up!

God has told us that we would face trials and tribulations (see John 16:33,  2 Corinthians 6:4) but He also told us to have faith, that He is our refuge and that He has conquered the world. So, are we going to hang up our hats and feel that all is lost? Or are we going to have faith in God’s promises and continue on in what He has called us to do?

Let us take inspiration from the brilliant C.S. Lewis: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” (The Problem of Pain.)

So, let us take this time to continue to fight! Let us stand for truth! May the ears of the world be opened so that every life will be protected and the blood of the innocent will be shed no more!


  1. Lainie Snider says:

    Sheila this is a wonderful article.
    You have given me hope for the future with your generation in control. Keep writing and sharing your thoughts!!

    1. life dynamics says:

      Laine, thank you for your kind words! We are glad it gave you some encouragement.

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