Students react to Black Lives Matter abortion display

Black students in North Carolina learn that abortion is killing their race with a provocative “Black Lives Matter” exhibit at a historical black college. Rev. Johnny Hunter, a past co-host, on Life Talk TV, shared how he and several other African American pro-lifers brought the “Black Lives Matter” project to the campus of Fayetteville State…

Black students in North Carolina learn that abortion is killing their race with a provocative “Black Lives Matter” exhibit at a historical black college.

Johny Hunter Black Lives Matter May 2015 Life Talk

Rev. Johnny Hunter, a past co-host, on Life Talk TV, shared how he and several other African American pro-lifers brought the “Black Lives Matter” project to the campus of Fayetteville State College after participating in a similar event in Washington, D.C.

The project consists of provocative signs created by the Center for Bioethical Reform (CBR), a national pro-life organization.


According to Gregg Cunningham, executive director of CBR, “The exhibit was inspired by the tragic series of encounters between black suspects and white police officers in which the suspects lost their lives while being taken into custody.”

The Black Lives Matters slogan took on new life in Ferguson, Missouri and was recently the theme of protesters in Baltimore after another shooting occurred there.


The Fayetteville exhibit was sponsored by the Life Education and Resource Network (L.E.E.R.N.), the largest African American pro-life network in America, and the response was huge.

Rev. Hunter said the “Black Lives Matter” displays they exhibited also included a picture of an the aborted child.

The message each sign conveyed was that all black lives matter, born and unborn.

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Additional signs read: “Hands up don’t shoot“, and “Abortion Suppresses The Black Vote.”

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It was the most moving thing,” Dr. Johnny Hunter an exhibit organizer reported.

Hunter said the students stopped in their tracks when they saw the display.

In addition, the black students enthusiastically took copies of Maafa21, a documentary about the racist history of abortion produced by Life Dynamics, which features a powerful sermon of Rev. Hunter’s.


Another organizer, Rev. Clenard Childress, founder of Black, also spoke to Life Dynamics about the event and pointed out that Planned Parenthood’s racist founder, Margaret Sanger used religion i.e. “black pastors” to hide her eugenic plot.

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“In our exchanges with hundreds of students, and with the golden opportunity to debate over the campus radio station, it was quite evident faith is still vital in the presentation of the truth in the pro-life debate. In the final analysis, we see that a very high percentage of the African American students consider their faith as important and that abortion is a violation of their faith. Hearts were won and opinions changed!” Rev Childress stated.


“After viewing the signs, many students sat down and read the pamphlets we were handing out.

“We passed out Mark Cruthcher’s MAAFA 21 to both students and staff. One teacher even played it while we were there in their sociology class,” he stated.


Rev. Hunter added that, “Even students that professed to be pro-choice had to do some thinking after the dialoguing went on.”

Woman walks away shocked

Hunter said that Planned Parenthood and their supporters tried to shut down the display but failed.

The most powerful part of all is when I looked at the sheet we had put out for students to sign up and almost thirty students had signed up to do something when this was over with,” he said.

Watch Dr. Johnny Hunter talk about the event on the May 2015 episode of Life Talk TV.

Watch the current Life Talk show here.


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