#433 – Planned Parenthood in Bedford, TX

Listen to the Call:

2816 CENTRAL DR. # 160
BEDFORD, TX 76021-7839

TAPE – 433

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. This is Leslie (sp). How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: Not here, but I can give you the number that will connect you to the Ft. Worth or the Dallas clinic that does.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Okay. It’s 817-882-1175.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like I’m just worried because like I’ll be 14 in March, and my friend said that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of that and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: I’m really not sure. You’d really have to talk to the clinic that does that.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test though?

CLINIC: Yes, you can. They’re $18 cash or credit card. And it’s on a walk-in basis, and we’re open to 7:00 tonight, but you’ll need to be here by 6:00. And we go to lunch from 1:00 to 2:00, so just avoid that.

CALLER: Well, do you know if anyone would have to know that I’m in there for a pregnancy test though?

CLINIC: No. And it gets entered into the computer as Jane Doe.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: All right?

CALLER: Well, my boyfriend would be the only way I could get there. Would that be all right?

CLINIC: Oh, yeah. That’s fine.

CALLER: Okay. He said that he was going to pay for everything, but does he have to sign for anything?

CLINIC: No, no, not at all. In fact, do you know that you’re pregnant?

CALLER: Well, not really. I’m just worried because I haven’t had my period since like right before Christmas, probably like December 21st, so.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, as long — it takes 14 days from the day you could have conceived before it will show up on a pregnancy test. It sounds like it’s been long enough.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if I wasn’t pregnant, could I get on birth control then?

CLINIC: Well, on birth control? You’d have to make an appointment.


CLINIC: And then come in for the well-woman exam which is $66, and we have both the depo provera shot that you take every three months, or the birth control pills which you take every day.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control?


CALLER: Would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control?

CLINIC: No, no. Everything is confidential here.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: All right


CALLER: Okay, thanks.

CLINIC: Uh-huh. Bye bye.


(phone clicks)


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#471 – Planned Parenthood in Borger, TX

Listen to the Call:

100 N. MCGEE ST. # 38
BORGER, TX 79007-4016

TAPE – 471

(dialing sounds) (ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Paula.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: Yeah. If you want to come in sometime today or tomorrow I can give you some brochures, but I mean they’re not with us.

CALLER: Okay. Do you know — I’m just worried because like I’m going to be 14 in March, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of that and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: I don’t think they would have to tell on you.

CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Would they have to tell on him?

CLINIC: I don’t — I wouldn’t mention him.

CALLER: Really?


CALLER: Okay. Well, how come?

CLINIC: Because you’re not old enough.

CALLER: But I’m going to be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Yeah. You’re not 18.

CALLER: Oh. Well —

CLINIC: Legally it’s indecency with a child.

CALLER: Oh. But what do you mean?

CLINIC: I mean, in the laws?


CLINIC: I mean, if you have that old of a boyfriend then, I mean, it’s basically like rape.

CALLER: But he’s not raping me. I mean, we’re in love.

CLINIC: I know. I’m just telling you about a law.

CALLER: Well, what could happen?

CLINIC: He could go to jail.

CALLER: He could go to jail?


CALLER: Well, he can’t go to jail.

CLINIC: Yeah, he can.

CALLER: Well, I mean, I need him. I mean, would you guys — if he goes to jail would my — well, what can I do?

CLINIC: Well, there’s nothing you can do. That’s why I say, I wouldn’t mention him if you are consensual.

CALLER: Yeah. Well, would my parents have to know though?

CLINIC: Well, don’t your parents already know you’re dating a 22-year-old?

CALLER: Yeah, but they don’t know we’re having sex. I mean, if they found out we were having sex, I don’t know what would happen. They’d be furious.

CLINIC: Well, I’m sure they would.

CALLER: But you guys wouldn’t tell them, would you?

CLINIC: I’m not going to tell nobody nothing.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Okay? I can’t. I can’t tell. You’re over 14. I can’t tell nobody nothing.

CALLER: Well, I’ll be 14 in March. I’m 13 right now.

CLINIC: Well, I would have to report that.


CLINIC: Okay? If you’re not 14 yet and you’re pregnant and I gave you a positive pregnancy test and you’re not 14, I will have to report that by law.



CALLER: Okay. Well, so would you like — Well, could I come in there and get a test though?

CLINIC: Yeah. You can come in and —

CALLER: I’m just worried because I haven’t had my period since like December 21st, and I’m scared.

CLINIC: Yeah? Well, you are welcome to come in here and take a pregnancy test. But I am telling you if you are 13 years old, not yet 14, and I give you a positive pregnancy test, I will have to report that to the department.

CALLER: Well, what if it’s not positive?

CLINIC: Then I don’t, I’m not obligated to report that.

CALLER: Oh. It’s just, me and my boyfriend were talking about all this and we don’t want to have to go through all this again. So could I get birth control?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control though?


CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: No. If I have a positive pregnancy test or a positive like chlamydia, gonorrhea, I have to report that by law. My hands are tied on that. You know? I mean, if it was your 14th birthday and it was the day after your 14th birthday, or whatever, and you told me you were positive pregnancy test, I won’t have to report that. But if you’re not 14 yet, I have to report that. My hands are tied. There’s no way around that.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Okay? I’m just letting you know what’s ahead if you come in here.

CALLER: Okay. So if I wasn’t pregnant and I was on birth control, would my boyfriend be able to pick it up? Because I can’t drive to come get it.

CLINIC: No. You all have to — he can bring you up here or whatever, but I have to hand the pills to you.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Okay. All right. Well, do you know like if there’s anything else I could do? Like would you guys have to tell my parents if the pregnancy test was positive?

CLINIC: It’s going to go beyond that is what I’m telling you. I will have to tell the department of the state. I’d have to basically tell the state police that you’re pregnant.


CLINIC: Okay? We’re way past your parents if you’re 13 years old and pregnant.

CALLER: Oh. Well, could anything happen to my parents?

CLINIC: I don’t know about that. Your parents will be notified. I know that. They would do an investigation, and your parents would be, you know, notified. Your parents would find out.

CALLER: Well, if I didn’t say anything about my boyfriend, could I come in and you wouldn’t get anybody in trouble?

CLINIC: Well, I can’t bend the law, okay? I cannot bend the law for you or anybody else. If you are 13 years old and pregnant, I have to report that.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Okay? There’s no way around that.

CALLER: But if I wasn’t pregnant you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?



CLINIC: What I really suggest you do is go get a home pregnancy test and try that first.

CALLER: Are those usually right though?

CLINIC: If you get a good one.

CALLER: What’s a good one?

CLINIC: One of the more expensive ones.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Okay? Don’t get the little cheapie ones. Get the more expensive ones and go from that. If you get a negative, you come in here and you get on birth control immediately.



CALLER: Well, how much does birth control cost?

CLINIC: For you, it won’t cost anything I’m sure.

CALLER: Okay. All right.

CLINIC: But I want you to realize and I want you to understand the law, okay? That if you are less than 14 years old it has to be reported. Okay?


CLINIC: And I want you to know that.




CLINIC: All right.

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Bye bye.


(phone clicks)


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#465 – Planned Parenthood in Brownsville, TX

Listen to the Call:

BROWNSVILLE, TX 78521-8025

TAPE – 465

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. May I help you?

CALLER: Yeah. Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No ma’am, we don’t.

CALLER: Well, do you know anybody that does?

CLINIC: That’s in Harlingen. Reproductive Services in Harlingen.

CALLER: Do you have that number?

CLINIC: Yes. Let me see. When was your last period?

CALLER: It was December 21st.

CLINIC: You already had a pregnancy test?



CALLER: I’m just really worried because I haven’t had my period for awhile.

CLINIC: You need to have a pregnancy test done before they even give you an appointment or take you there.

CALLER: Oh. Well, could I come in there and get one?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can come here, or you can go to the one behind Walmart. They close at — Did you want to come in today, or what?

CALLER: Well, I don’t know. I have to call my boyfriend to see. He’d be —

CLINIC: Okay. Because they close at 6:00. That’s the one 370 Old Port Isabel right behind Walmart’s.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like I’m just worried because like — well, I’m going to be 14 in March, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. Not for an abortion. No, ma’am. It’s the law. Your parents have to be involved.

CALLER: Oh. Well, is there any way not to tell them?

CLINIC: No, ma’am.

CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: Well, the only way would be like for you to go through a court, through a judge and everything. You know, and that takes a lot of time, so.

CALLER: Well, could I come into your place and get a pregnancy test?

CLINIC: Yeah. You can come. You can get a pregnancy test done. Find out if you’re pregnant first before you even — you know, before doing anything else.

CALLER: Okay. Well —

CLINIC: You find that out first before, you know. And like I say, if you wanted to have it done today you can go to the one behind Walmart. They close at 6:00, so you still have plenty of time. We close at 5:00, so you probably won’t get over here. But if your last period was December —

CALLER: Are you guys open tomorrow though?

CLINIC: Yeah, we open tomorrow at 11:00.

CALLER: At 11?

CLINIC: Yes, ma’am.


CLINIC: Your last period was December 21st. We’re right now February the 20th. That makes you about 10 weeks. So, you know, the sooner the better you find out, because you’re getting close to that limit.

CALLER: Well, is it all right if my boyfriend brings me? I mean, that would be the only way I could get there.

CLINIC: Well, for a pregnancy test it’s fine. That we don’t involve parents or anything. Just in case you come back positive and you do want to go through the termination, then that’s where you need a parent’s consent. Not for a pregnancy test.

CALLER: It’s just me and my boyfriend were talking about it, and we don’t want anyone to know about us. So would you — like he was going to pay for everything, but he didn’t want to sign anything. Would he have to like —

CLINIC: Not for the pregnancy test, like I say.


CLINIC: The abortion, yes. The abortion you need your parents’ consent. So they’re the ones that would, you know, take care of that.

CALLER: Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, ma’am. We do.

CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control though?

CLINIC: No, ma’am. No. All of this is confidential.


CLINIC: When you come in, you sign some papers, of course, like a consent form and everything. And everything that’s said or whatever, everything is confidential. So you don’t worry about none of that. It’s just in case you do have to go to Reproductive Services, well, then they’ll let you know there whatever you need because of your age.

CALLER: Okay. Well, is it okay if — like I have, if I had any other questions that I can’t think of right now could I call and talk to you? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Gracie, honey.

CALLER: Oh, all right.

CLINIC: You can talk to me, no problem, or anybody that’s here to help you. That’s what we’re here for. Okay?

CALLER: Thank you.

CLINIC: So if you want to come here, that’s fine. I thought you wanted to come in today. That’s why I was telling you, you know, they close over there. But you’re more than welcome wherever you want to go to, and if you want to come here we open tomorrow 11:00 to 8:00 at night.

CALLER: Will you be there tomorrow?

CLINIC: Yes, ma’am. I’ll be here 11:00 to 8:00.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Thank you, honey.


CLINIC: Bye bye.


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#466 – Planned Parenthood in Brownsville, TX

Listen to the Call:

BROWNSVILLE, TX 78521-3547

TAPE – 466

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: Reproductive Services in Harlingen.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you have that number?

CLINIC: Yes, ma’am. Let me see. You got a pen?


CLINIC: It’s (956-428-6242?).

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know if — I’m just really worried because like my friend told me that since like — well, I’m going to be 14 in March, she said that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just like sign whatever it is and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No, ma’am. You would have to go in and your mom has to know about what’s going on.

CALLER: Oh. Well, is there any way not to tell her, because if they found out, I don’t know what would happen. I mean, they just can’t find out at all.

CLINIC: Hold on, okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: What you need to do is call that number and ask for Blanca.

CALLER: For what?

CLINIC: For Blanca. And tell her the situation you’re in. She can help you.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test though?

CLINIC: For Planned Parenthood?

CALLER: Yeah, to where you’re at?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can come in.

CALLER: But would you guys have to tell anybody that I was there for that?

CLINIC: No. It’s strictly confidential.

CALLER: It’s just, me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and we — like he would be the only — he said he was going to take care of everything, and he would be the only way I could get there. But we don’t want anybody to know about us. Would you have to tell anybody about him or anything? Would he have to sign anything?

CLINIC: Um-um. No, ma’am.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Okay.

CLINIC: All you need to do is come in. We’ll give you the forms and you fill them out for us. And then we’ll go ahead and take the pregnancy test. Since you are under 18 it will be free for you. Then depending on that then we’ll go ahead and help you get referred if you want to go —

CALLER: Oh. Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: We can help you with that.

CALLER: Really?


CALLER: It’s just, I don’t want to have to go through all this again. But the only thing is, I can’t drive because I’m not old enough. But could my boyfriend pick up the pills or anything?

CLINIC: No. You would have to come in for everything. You would have to come in for all the services, plus the pills and everything.

CALLER: Oh. But if I was on birth control, would you have to tell anybody?


CALLER: Oh, okay. So like you’re sure nobody has to know about like him or me or anything if I went there?

CLINIC: No, ma’am.

CALLER: Okay. All right. So, well is it okay —


CALLER: Are you there?


CALLER: Well, is it all right like if I had any other questions that I could call and talk to you? What was your name?

CLINIC: Mine is Theresa (sp).



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

(phone clicks)


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