The “Devious” Texas Abortion Ban: A Long Time in the Making

It’s official. What pro-aborts are calling a “devious” abortion ban is now in effect in Texas. The whole world has reacted and pro-choicers are not handling it well, to say the least.

It’s official. What pro-aborts are calling a “devious” abortion ban is now in effect in Texas.

The whole world has reacted and pro-choicers are not handling it well, to say the least.

Writer Robin Marty comments on Twitter about  the Texas abortion ban.
Source: Twitter

What does S.B. 8 do?

S.B. 8, also known as an adopted version of a “heartbeat bill,” allows private citizens to file lawsuits against those who perform, or help facilitate, abortions after the baby’s heartbeat is detected. Instead of relying on the government to enforce abortion bans, it gives the power of protecting babies to private citizens in the form of civil lawsuits.

Many pro-aborts are shocked by this law, not to mention the Supreme Court’s refusal to issue an injunction against it. But as many have pointed out – especially on the pro-abortion side – it has been a long time coming.

For instance, The Atlantic published an article by Mary Zielger, professor at the Florida State University College of Law, who showed the long and winding path that led up to this point. Zielger pointed out that “the idea of using lawsuits to end abortion” didn’t pop-up overnight, but instead “emerged decades ago.” She pointed out that, as far back as the 1990s, Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, “tried to create a self-help industry for members of his movement” in order to use civil lawsuits to “gut” Roe v Wade. “Crutcher’s strategy was quite clever: eliminate abortion access without the kind of fanfare that a major Court decision would spur.”

The idea behind S.B. 8 also follows from a long line of “heartbeat bills.” Mark Crutcher insists that that his involvement with these “heartbeat bills” has been minimal and that the originator and driving force behind them is his friend, and longtime pro-life activist from Ohio, Janet Porter. Ms. Porter says her mission is to ensure that “if a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected.”

While S.B. 8 doesn’t protect every baby from the blood-stained hands of the abortion industry, it is projected to save most of them – which is something the abortion industry even admitted and has now panicked over. In the past, Crutcher wrote that “the future of abortion in America is in serious jeopardy simply because access to abortion is evaporating” and that is what we’re seeing right now.

The Abortion Lobby’s Reactions

As stated earlier, the abortion lobby has not taken this law in stride. To the contrary, they are melting down and acting like the sky is falling. A great example was seen from an abortion clinic in Fort Worth. Whole Woman’s Health complained that they were forced to scramble to kill as many babies as they could before midnight, when the law first went into effect. It was even suggested that there was an influx of women wanting abortions and that one woman was so desperate she “dropped to her knees” begging for an abortion.

Meanwhile, abortion advocates online have been spewing nasty rhetoric against pro-lifers – including Life Dynamics and Mark Crutcher – and stating that the world needs to turn their backs on Texas because Texas has turned its back on women.

An email Life Dynamics received after the Texas abortion ban went into effect.
An email Life Dynamics received after S.B. 8 went into effect.

While some on the abortion side seemed to be in shock, others acknowledged that this moment was no surprise. Abortion advocate and author, Robin Marty, tweeted, “Still thinking about that op ed I wrote for when the Texas ban was heading to the governor for signature, that got axed in the end because ‘Surely this ban will never actually go into effect…’” And others even cynically congratulated Life Dynamics “on a hand well played.”

Whatever the future holds for abortion across
America, the abortion lobby is in full panic mode.

They know that abortion access is crumbling and that individuals are now emboldened to stand up against the slaughtering of the innocent babies. No matter what happens though, the commitment to the babies remains the same – to end abortion for good so that every baby can live the life he or she was given.

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  1. Dave Melechinsky says:

    Congratulations on having part of your strategy enacted into law. However, there is a serious possibility that Bill Gates’ anti-pregnancy vaccine has been unleashed on many unsuspecting women, under the guise of the so-called Covid “vaccines” that are already causing many miscarriages, and possibly sterility for an unknown period of time that could even be lifelong. This is not the way we wanted to drive abortion clinics out of business, but that will be the case if the “vax” makes women’s wombs hostile to new life. The Establishment’s longstanding de-population dream seems well in progress. Pray that the human race will survive.

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