The Covid-19 Vaccine Miracle

During the 2020 election campaign, Kamala Harris said she wasn’t taking the Covid-19 vaccine because Trump was rushing it to market for political reasons – and that meant we can’t trust it to be safe. But then, at the very moment the inauguration
was being held, a miracle happened…

Written By: Mark Crutcher
President of Life Dynamics

I just remembered something interesting…

During the 2020 election campaign, Kamala Harris said she wasn’t taking the Covid-19 vaccine because Trump was rushing it to market for political reasons – and that meant we can’t trust it to be safe. She was quite clear that Trump didn’t care if a bunch of people died from the vaccine as long as it got to market fast and got him get re-elected.

But then, at the very moment the inauguration
was being held, a miracle happened.

Somehow, this political event was making the vaccine safe. Who knew, right? It became so safe, in fact, that Comrade Harris rolled up her sleeve during a well-orchestrated photo op on national television.


Now, I’m not suggesting that she was grandstanding. No way. I just think she wanted all of us little people to see that the world was finally being saved from the ravages of this pandemic, and we have Joe Biden to thank for it. And all I can say is … what a guy!

One Comment

  1. Do you guys have any blogs/reports regarding aborted fetal tissue derived ingredients in multiple vaccines?

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