Man asks pregnant girlfriend if she’s ready for abortion date hits her with car

A pro-choice man who asked his pregnant girlfriend if she’s ready for her abortion date and then he hit her with his car has been arrested. The victim was 7 months pregnant. Pasco County deputies arrested 33-year-old Justin Lee Colby after he allegedly struck 32-year-old Crystal Lynn Noordhuizen with his Dodge Charger. Noordhuizen told deputies…

Abortion radicals to protest Black pro-life rally

A radical pro-abortion group is calling activists to counter protest the pro-life Stand up for Life Walk in Oakland, California to, as they recently tweeted, stand up “against the vicious lie that #abortion is black genocide!” Stop Patriarchy, a pro-choice group which recently gained notoriety for their bizarre protests against the Texas pro-life law, HB2…

PlanB for pro-choice man: force pregnant girlfriend to swallow abortion pills

UPDATE: Even though a pro-choice anesthesiologist has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after he was accused of choking a pregnant woman and forcing her to swallow a Plan B, or “morning after,” pill that could cause an abortion, he will still be allowed to continue practicing. According to the Daily Freeman: Dr. Thomas A….

Christian professor, “I am pro-life and pro-choice” on abortion

A professor at a Wesleyan University says he is conflicted over abortion describing himself as both pro-life and pro-choice. In addition, the Christian professor called pro-life efforts to pass laws to legally protect children in the womb akin to playing the Holy Spirit. According to their website, Indiana Wesleyan University describes themselves, “an evangelical Christian…