Hillary Clinton defended Partial Birth Abortion

2016 Democrat presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton is so extreme on abortion that she once defended the horrific partial birth abortion procedure. In 2003, a law to ban Partial Birth Abortion came before the US Senate, and then Senator Hillary Clinton defended the gruesome late term procedure, opposed by a majority of American people. The…

Abortion advocate arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs

A pro-choice man has been arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs being held by members of Canada’s ‘Show the Truth’ pro-life organization. About 50 pro-lifers held signs containing the images of abortion victims in downtown Kingston earlier this week when they were met by pro-choice activists. A local media outlet reported what happened next:…

Clinic owner to use abortion suction machines for “show and tell”

A Texas abortion owner wants to use the abortion suction machines at her closed facility for “show and tell” to reduce what she calls “abortion stigma.” Texas has been the site where several abortion clinics have closed because they could not comply with state law that requires abortion facilities comply with the minimum health and…

Abortion group NARAL says being for abortion is good parenting

Abortion rights group NARAL is tweeting pictures of pregnant pro-choice supporters claiming that supporting abortion is good parenting. Details come from the blog Saynsumthn, who originally published the story: The other day I blogged about NARAL’s obnoxious tweet, “Being pro-choice *is* fundamentally about *parenting!” It followed news that their president, Ilyse Hogue, announced that she…

Murder charge dropped in abortion pill case – Planned Parenthood “glad”

The nation’s top seller of abortions, Planned Parenthood said they are “glad” a murder charge has been dropped against a woman who killed her unborn child using an abortion pill she purchased online. 23-year-old Kenlissa Jones allegedly took the abortion pill, Cytotec, after she purchased it off the internet to abort he five-and-a-half-month-old baby boy….

Abortion clinic escorts refuse to read health report on clinic they protect

Abortion clinic escorts in Illinois are refusing to look at a state health document showing how the clinic had its license revoked after inspections. Albany Medical-Surgical Center, a notorious Chicago late-term abortion facility, has been fined $50,000 and had its license revoked after inspections spurred on by the Pro-Life Action League. According to PLAL: The…