Episode 146 | Facing the F.A.C.E Act – Interview with Jonathan Darnel

Episode 146 | Facing the F.A.C.E Act – Interview with Jonathan Darnel

Since we covered the shocking FBI raid of pro-lifer, Mark Houck, over a supposed violation of the FACE Act last year, a growing number of pro-lifers are being prosecuted by the DOJ using FACE. This week, we talk with Jonathan Darnel, one of the 24 people currently charged with violating FACE, about the re-emergence of the rescue movement and its role in the abortion battle, the value of civil disobedience, and why F.A.C.E should be abolished.

America’s Past and Future: Interview on Let’s Talk America with Dr. Alan Keyes

America’s Past and Future: Interview on Let’s Talk America with Dr. Alan Keyes

Mark Crutcher joins Alan Keyes on Let’s Talk America to discuss many topics including America’s history and it’s impact on our nation’s principals and rights versus today’s culture and where we are headed. This show asks, “Have Patriots been lulled into accepting the election results?” Other Places to Watch IAmTV Website | The IAMTV Roku App