E-mails show eugenicist Gruber had larger role in ObamaCare

New e-mails show that ObamaCare architect MIT economist Jonathan Gruber who espoused abortion as eugenics had a larger role in drafting ObamaCare than previously thought. Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had to lie about ObamaCare in order…

Vintage Planned Parenthood poster calls children “priceless” and “a whole other life”

Despite now being the number one provider of abortions, this 1972 vintage poster from Planned Parenthood has an astonishing statement about children, calling them “priceless.” This poster from reads, “We think children are priceless too.” It goes on to state, “But if a child happens to be unplanned, it could mean financial pressures. You see…

Is there a racial motive behind failure to enforce abortion laws?

Black leaders are planning a nationwide event in Selma, Alabama to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws, saying that Black Women Matter. It is called The Selma Project and it was created by Catherine Davis who is the president and founder of The Restoration Project, and is an African American advocate…

Protest at Planned Parenthood to state “Black Lives Matter”

Pro-life protesters using the Black Lives Matters theme will converge at Planned Parenthood in Austin to expose how the eugenics founded organization targets the Black community. The protest, which will take place Thursday, May 21st, is being organized by the group InfoWars. Details from their blog: Infowarriors and pro-life activists are encouraged to come and…

Victims of Va. eugenics sterilization law to be compensated

Victims of Virginia’s Forced Eugenical Sterilization Act will receive $25,000 from the General Assembly after a three-year battle to include compensation in the Virginia budget. Between 1927 to 1979, Virginia sterilized about 8,000 people deemed unfit to reproduce for reasons such as mental illness, physical deformity or homelessness. The appropriation makes Virginia the second state…

ObamaCare architect removed from health board

Gov. Charlie Baker has removed MIT economist Jonathan Gruber known as the ObamaCare architect who espoused abortion as eugenics from the Massachusetts Health Connector Board, according to the Boston Glob. Jonathan Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had…

Gruber confirms eugenics plot of abortion detailed in Maafa21

By: Mark Crutcher “Now we have not one, but two, radical, high-profile, godless abortion supporters, confirming what we documented in Maafa 21.” In 2009, we released Maafa 21 – a 2 hour documentary in which we proved that the legalization of abortion had nothing to do with women’s rights, or choice, or reproductive freedom or…