Zoning laws ignored for new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic

Pro-lifers in San Antonio, Texas say that city officials have given the green light to Planned Parenthood for it’s new $6.5 million abortion clinic in contrast to existing zoning laws which would have prohibited the renovations. Planned Parenthood of South Texas’ more than 22,000 square feet facility in the 2100 block of Babcock Road, is…

Pro-choice man threatens pregnant girlfriend: get abortion or I’ll do it myself

A pro-choice man who allegedly attempted to hire a babysitter as a hit woman to assault his pregnant ex-girlfriend after she refused to get an abortion, has been arrested in Pennsylvania. The criminal complaint filed against 22 -year-old John Frazier, by Stowe police said that when Frazier’s ex-girlfriend, Jocelynn Ivanco refused to have an abortion,…

GOP Speaker target of pro-life demonstration over late term abortion ban

Activists are organizing a pro-life demonstration at the offices of the GOP Speaker to call on him to reschedule a vote on a bill that would make abortions after 20 weeks illegal. Organizers, Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Jill Stanek say they plan to hold a peaceful sit-in at the offices of Speaker John Boehner on…

Abortion doc who “removes the pregnancy” sees killing babies as a “calling”

An abortion doc who claims that he “removes the pregnancy” describes the killing of unborn babies with abortion as a “calling.” On a former episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher and the panel discuss statements made by abortionist Dennis Christensen. Christensen began killing unborn babies in 1973, the year Roe v. Wade was…

Saving babies with pro-life abortion animation

Unborn babies are being saved from abortion through the use of pro-life animation. One such tool geared to help explain the abortion procedure and it’s risks is Life Dynamics‘ animation DVD. This tool is a non-graphic animated presentation of the most common first and second trimester abortion procedures, including descriptions of potential injuries and complications….

Victims of Va. eugenics sterilization law to be compensated

Victims of Virginia’s Forced Eugenical Sterilization Act will receive $25,000 from the General Assembly after a three-year battle to include compensation in the Virginia budget. Between 1927 to 1979, Virginia sterilized about 8,000 people deemed unfit to reproduce for reasons such as mental illness, physical deformity or homelessness. The appropriation makes Virginia the second state…