Baby born at 23 weeks celebrates another milestone

A baby born at 23 weeks gestation, the same age many children are legally aborted in the United States, has celebrated another milestone. Bella Davison was born at 23 weeks weighing 1lb 3oz. Sadly, her twin sister Sophia did to survive the birth. Bella was released from the hospital the beginning of the year and…

A baby born at 23 weeks gestation, the same age many children are legally aborted in the United States, has celebrated another milestone.

Bella Davison was born at 23 weeks weighing 1lb 3oz.

Bella Davidson 071101596681092400_n

Sadly, her twin sister Sophia did to survive the birth.

Bella was released from the hospital the beginning of the year and just weeks ago she was taken off oxygen where she began breathing on her own.

But, today, the parents of little Bella are celebrating 9 months since her miraculous birth!

Bella 4364978071375_n

This was posted to Bella’s Facebook page today by her proud parents , “Can’t believe it’s been 9 months since we had our amazing girls and our lives changed forever that day I just wish Sophia could have held on but she is our angel now and is with us forever love you Bella and Sophia always and forever Mummy and Daddy.”

Bella born at 23 weeks

In the United States, babies the same age as Bella was at her birth, and some even older, are legally aborted for profit as these abortion clinic advertisements below show !!!

cedar-river-clinics-late-abortion 24 weeks



According to the latest stats from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on abortion, 730,322 abortions were performed in 2011.

Of that number, the CDC reported 7.3% of unborn babies killed by abortion were between 14–20 weeks’ gestation and 1.4% were 21 weeks’ gestation or greater.


mbenjamin_1ad_late 24 weeks abortion

Northland abortion 24 weeks

A chart published by the CDC for 39 states that reported abortions by gestation (520,304 of the 730,322 abortions reported in 2011) show that in those 39 states:

    335,748 abortions were performed at less than 8 weeks
    139,775 abortions were performed at 9-13 weeks gestation
    17,952 abortions were performed at 14-15 weeks gestation
    9,795 abortions were performed at 16-17 weeks gestation
    9,709 abortions were performed at 18-20 weeks gestation
    7,325 abortions were performed at 21 weeks gestation or greater.

CDC ABortion stats by gestation

Orlando Womens abortion 28 weeks

A 2014 report published by the Lozier Institute found that the United States is one of only seven countries in the world that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks.

Following the sabotage of a late term abortion ban called the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the National Journal published a graph of state by state abortion restrictions by weeks of gestation:

Late term abortion state by state 2015

All abortions are murder and Bella is yet another example of the humanity of unborn children in the womb.

We must continue the pro-life fight until every child in the womb is protected at all stages of gestation.

Read more about Bella’s story here and here.


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