Pro-choice groups angry over pro-life mailing campaign in Texas

“We’re making sure that these doctors understand, there will be a ruckus…” Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher. In the fall of 2013, Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton Texas, contacted members of the Texas medical community to warn them that the abortion lobby was trying to recruit doctors to become abortionists….

State acknowledges Eugenics, Planned Parenthood silent

North Carolina has apologized for their racist eugenics program while Planned Parenthood remains silent. Today, Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas applauds the decision by North Carolina lawmakers to allocate $10 million to compensate victims who were forcefully sterilized under the state’s secret eugenics program. [youtube=] Watch Maafa21 in full…

Abortion Clinic Employees, “Babies Born Alive Daily”

Abortion Clinic Employees, “Babies Born Alive Daily”

Today, Life Dynamics Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has released an interview with three former abortion clinic workers which prove the Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, recently convicted of murder, is not an anomaly. The interview was conducted on May 3, 2013 with clinic employees located in a different state. Mark…

An American Abortion Clinic: a glimpse into hell !

An American Abortion Clinic: a glimpse into hell !

Today, Life Dynamics a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas is releasing the second part of their Abortion Clinic Worker video series. The DVD is titled: An American Abortion Clinic, and Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher describes the DVD as, “a glimpse into hell.” The entire DVD can be purchased here. In the first…

Rhetorical Sandpaper

Rhetorical Sandpaper

We all know that language plays a crucial role in the battle over abortion. And it is no secret that the American abortion lobby is extraordinarily talented in the manipulation and distortion of rhetoric. It is also true that their loyal little lapdogs in the media have memorized and employed all the verbal gymnastics their…

In Fear of Shadows

In Fear of Shadows

By violating our own moral code, we have created a world for ourselves in which unforeseen and unintended consequences pace in the shadows like starving tigers. And even though the American people may not yet realize it, as long as they remain in this place, every path they take will lead them past another shadow.

A Healthy Abortion Regret

A Healthy Abortion Regret

Despite the literally thousands of support groups in the United States to help women overcome the emotional train wreck of abortion, the abortion lobby claims that most women don’t regret their abortions. The hidden irony in all this is that women who regret their abortions may actually be more mentally healthy than those who don’t.