Pro-life campaign outside NEA convention over abortion

Today, dozens of concerned pro-lifers in Orlando, Florida are conducting an awareness campaign outside the NEA Teacher’s Union Convention to expose their support of abortion. According to Bob Pawson, director of Pro-Life Educators of America, who heads up the annual campaign, pro-Life teachers, parents, and students from the greater Orlando area hope to educate the…

Peter Singer doesn’t want tax dollars to pay for disabled babies

While pro-life advocates work to remove tax funded abortions, Princeton University bio-ethicist, Peter Singer says he doesn’t want his tax dollars to pay for disabled babies. In a radio interview in April with WorldNet Daily’s Aaron Klein, Peter Singer argued it is “reasonable” for government or private insurance companies to deny treatment to severely disabled…

State moves to revoke abortion clinic license

An Indiana abortionist could be forced to close another abortion clinic in the state after health officials moved to revoke the license of his South Bend facility. Ulrich Klopfer, who operated several abortion clinics around Indiana, was recently cited by state health officials in Gary for several health deficiencies which led to that abortion facility…

E-mails show eugenicist Gruber had larger role in ObamaCare

New e-mails show that ObamaCare architect MIT economist Jonathan Gruber who espoused abortion as eugenics had a larger role in drafting ObamaCare than previously thought. Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had to lie about ObamaCare in order…

Lawsuit filed against teacher’s union claims dues support abortion

A veteran Pennsylvania school teacher is taking on the biggest teachers’ union in the state because she feels her First Amendment rights are being trampled by the organization. Linda Misja is taking the Pennsylvania State Education Association to court because she feels the union is holding her money hostage. Linda Misja has been teaching French…

Law forces pro-life pregnancy centers to refer for abortion

A law in California requires pro-life pregnancy centers to refer for abortion. This Op-Ed was written by Chuck Donovan and coauthored by Marjorie Dannenfelser and republished with the permission of the Susan B Anthony List. The year is 1848, the place is Rochester, New York, and you are Frederick Douglass, ardent and eloquent abolitionist and…