Episode 19: The Abortion Industry Harbors Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers

Episode 19: The Abortion Industry Harbors Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers

Episode Synopsis: Listener Madi K. requested that we talk about sex trafficking and Planned Parenthood. So this week we discuss how Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation are running a nationwide pedophile protection racket. We listen to clips from our undercover investigation where our caller portrayed a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by her…

Is “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” A Sham?

Is “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” A Sham?

Underage girls are being sexually exploited by adult men in numbers that are unprecedented in American history. But while the world observed “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” awareness day to bring this epidemic to light, the driving force behind this tragedy was kept in the dark. The issue is that the abortion industry and…

Margaret Sanger

Bye, Bye, Sanger

For years, Life Dynamics has been educating people on the abortion industry’s connection to the eugenics movement. Our documentary, Maafa 21, proves that the driving force behind the legalization of abortion was black genocide. And at the very center of that was Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. In the past, the pro-choice side has been…

Episode 18: Uncomfortable Truths About Sex Education

Episode 18: Uncomfortable Truths About Sex Education

Episode Synopsis: We put sex education programs under a microscope and discuss the results of the different sex education approaches, what kids are really being taught, and how, for Planned Parenthood, setting foot inside classrooms for sex education is just the first step towards their real goal. This episode proves that that no parent, adult,…

The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

I would love to believe in the concept of “pro-life Democrats” but that requires me to deny some undeniable realities. To begin with, these people support a political party that has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to killing the unborn for any reason whatsoever or no reason whatsoever, and at any point of pregnancy. They…

Episode 17: Why Is The Left So Angry?

Episode 17: Why Is The Left So Angry?

Episode Synopsis: Recent events prove that the closer the pro-life movement gets to ending legalized abortion in America, the more vicious the other side will become. We discuss the growing anger and vitriol of the left and its significance. We also reveal how “common ground” discussions are, in reality, a trap and why. Episode Duration:…

Episode 16: Can You Be Pro-Life & Believe In Exceptions?

Episode 16: Can You Be Pro-Life & Believe In Exceptions?

Episode Synopsis: The hosts answer a listener’s question about ways to respond to the topic of life-threatening pregnancies in conversations; and they address exceptions in cases of rape, incest, life of the mother, and disabilities. This episode proves why you can’t be pro-life and support exceptions. Episode Duration: 26 min In This Episode We Discuss:…

Episode 15: How The Black Lives Matter Movement Is Bringing Awareness About Abortion

Episode 15: How The Black Lives Matter Movement Is Bringing Awareness About Abortion

Episode Synopsis: Special Guest Pastor Stephen Broden joins the hosts to discuss how the Black Lives Matter discussion is creating awareness about how abortion is black genocide. They discuss cancel culture, the left’s attempts to re-write history, and why a movement of African-Americans becoming pro-life scares the Democrat party. Episode Duration: 32 min Special Guest:…