Ambulance summoned to Florida abortion clinic

Operation Rescue is reporting that 911 tapes of an ambulance which was summoned to an abortion clinic in Florida has mysteriously been erased and is no longer available for review. The incident occurred on September 4, 2014 at the Florida Women’s Center abortion facility in Jacksonville owned and operated by abortionist Patrick J. Kelly. A…

Operation Rescue is reporting that 911 tapes of an ambulance which was summoned to an abortion clinic in Florida has mysteriously been erased and is no longer available for review.

Ambulance Florida Womens Center abortion Sept 2014

The incident occurred on September 4, 2014 at the Florida Women’s Center abortion facility in Jacksonville owned and operated by abortionist Patrick J. Kelly.

Florida Womens Center Head

A video taken by pro-life activists on the scene shows a sobbing abortion patient being loaded into an awaiting ambulance while the injured patient’s friend stood nearby crying and distraught.

Ambulance Florida WOmens Center patient crying abortion

Just five weeks before, state inspectors cited him — ironically — for failing to provide his staff with adequate training in medical emergencies, Operation Rescue reports.

In addition, according to an inspection of the facility in July of 2014, performed by the Agency for Health Care Administration which regulates abortion clinics in the state, the clinic’s emergency medical kit contained outdated items.

Florida Womens Clinic July 2014 inspection

In response, the clinic’s manager told inspectors that no one has looked into the emergency medical kit to even notice any of the expired medications.

More details at Operation Rescue here.

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