#77 – “God Allows Millions Of Miscarriages, So God MUST Be OK With Abortions.”
Some abortion supporters will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. Watch to see why this argument is just a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how some abortion supporters will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. Some of these people say that this makes God the world’s number one abortionist. Watch to see why this argument is just a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play.
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Occasionally, someone in the pro-choice mob will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. I’ve even heard some of these people say that this makes God the world’s number one abortionist.
They’re actually trying to sell the idea that there is no distinction between one baby dying in a natural miscarriage and another baby being intentionally killed in an elective abortion. Obviously, only a complete idiot would buy that. It’s like saying that there is no distinction between one man dying from a heart attack, and another man being shot and killed by someone who’s stealing his car. It’s also a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play in order to justify their wholesale slaughter of unborn children.
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