#76 – Does Legalized Abortion Lead To A Civilized Society?
Abortion supporters act like allowing defenseless and innocent unborn children to be legally slaughtered makes us a more civilized society. But as we prove, that doesn’t make us civilized, it just shows how the unborn are easy targets.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how abortion supporters act like allowing defenseless and innocent unborn children to be legally slaughtered makes us a more civilized society. But as we prove, that doesn’t make us civilized, it just shows how the unborn are easy targets.
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No matter what you think about legalized abortion, you have to admit that the unborn make perfect victims. They can’t vote. They have no political power. They have no money. They can’t fight back. They can’t get away. They can’t even object to being killed. On top of that, they’re executed in private so no one sees it happening except the psychopaths who do the killing and the women who hire them. Once it’s over, of course, the corpses can just be tossed into a dumpster, or flushed down the sewer system, or chopped up and sold for parts, or hauled off to an incinerator. And all we have to do, is to keep telling ourselves that allowing defenseless and innocent unborn children to be legally slaughtered makes us a better people and a more civilized society.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#31 – “There Are Children In Foster Care Who Aren’t Getting Adopted.”
The abortion lobby belittles adoption by saying that there are children in foster care who aren’t getting adopted right now. Once again, we see that the pro-choice solution to any problem is always the same. Killing babies.
#113 – The Biggest Irony In The Abortion Battle
There are some incredible ironies in the battle over abortion, but one them really stands out… Watch to see what it is!
#86 – “Governments Often Pay For Things Taxpayers Disagree With.”
When the abortion lobby demands government funding for abortion, they often argue that it is common for governments to pay for things that some taxpayers disagree with. But at the same time these same people say that the government has no right to be involved in the abortion issue.