#113 – The Biggest Irony In The Abortion Battle
There are some incredible ironies in the battle over abortion, but one them really stands out… Watch to see what it is!
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how there are some incredible ironies in the battle over abortion, but one them really stands out. The biggest irony is that long before anyone had ever seen an unborn child, laws were enacted laws to protect their lives. But when the time came that we could actually see that they are living human beings, we started butchering them by the millions.
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There are some incredible ironies in the battle over abortion, but one them really stands out. In the early nineteen seventies, ultrasound technology made it possible to see the unborn child for the first time. Their humanity was no longer just philosophical or theological, it was an observable and undeniable fact. But about that same time, governments around the world – including the United States – started making elective abortion legal.
In other words, long before anyone had ever seen an unborn child, laws were enacted laws to protect their lives. But when the time came that we could actually see that they are living human beings, we started butchering them by the millions. You know, there was an Ice Age, an Iron Age, and a Stone Age, and my guess is that this will one day be known as the Stupid Age.
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