#50 – Denying The Holocaust
We live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying didn’t take place 80 yrs ago in Germany, it’s happening right here, right now.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions! And the impact it has had on our culture.
Like how we now live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying did not take place 80 years ago in Germany, it’s happening right now in America. And make no mistake, one day the world is going to look back and wonder how we could have allowed it to happen.
To see the toll that legalized abortion has taken on this country, click here.
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As incredible as it is, there are people who say that the Nazi holocaust never happened. They’re called “holocaust deniers” and they have decided to ignore all the films, all the books, all the photos, all the military accounts, all the government records, and all the personal testimonies because these things don’t support their sketchy political agenda. To any rational person this seems incomprehensible, but the truth is that we now live in a nation full of holocaust deniers.
Only the holocaust they are denying did not take place 80 years ago in Germany, it’s happening right now in America. It’s called legalized abortion and, one day, the world is going to look back and wonder how this could have happened in a nation that considers itself sophisticated and civilized.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#32 – “The Real Issue Is Not Abortion, But Whether We Trust Women”
Abortion defenders say that the real issue is not abortion, but whether we trust women. This is, of course, pure idiocy.
#1 – “Equal Rights For Me, Not For Thee”
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#88 – DNA Doesn’t Lie
The abortion lobby tries to justify slaughtering the unborn is by claiming that no one knows when life begins. But let’s think about it for a minute…