#36 – Are We Giving The Impression That The Pro-Choice Position Has Validity?
Any time we sit down with abortion apologists in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
We also have to be cautious to not fall for their traps. For example, any time we sit down with abortion apologists in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity. Watch to see how..
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We often hear it suggested that the pro-choice people and the pro-life people should come together and look for common ground and, on the surface, this sounds very mature. But imagine that during the Nazi holocaust, while the ovens at Auschwitz were burning day and night, the Jewish people were asked to sit down with Hitler’s thugs and look for common ground. That would have been outrageous.
The truth is, when people are threatening to do evil, talking with them may be reasonable. But once they have begun committing that evil, the time for talking is over. At that point, the only goal is to stop them. In this case, any time we sit down with these baby killers in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity. It doesn’t.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#110 – Adopting ALL The Unwanted Children
Pro-choice people often asks the pro-lifers whether we are willing to adopt all the unwanted children who will be born if abortion is outlawed. Regardless of the answer, the real issue is that the basis of their argument is preposterous to begin with.
#81 – “We Shouldn’t Be Bringing More Children Into The World!”
You often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world.
#43 – “The law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body!”
The pro-choice side says that the law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. But let’s follow the science…