#81 – “We Shouldn’t Be Bringing More Children Into The World!”
You often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how you often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world. But if the unborn are not already “in the world,” where are they?
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You often hear the pro-choice mob trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world. But if the unborn are not already “in the world,” where are they? I mean, is the abortion lobby asking us to believe that the womb some sort of alternative universe?
Also, this argument implies that abortions are done for the benefit of those who are being aborted. That is preposterous, but if we’re actually going to buy into this “kill ‘em for their own good” mentality, shouldn’t we be putting all the born children in the world into gas chambers? After all, if it’s compassionate to execute the unborn to keep them from living in a bad environment, shouldn’t born children be entitled to the same consideration?
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More Abortion Distortions:
#58 – “The fetus depends on the woman for survival. So it’s her body, her choice.”
The pro-choice mob often defends abortions before viability on the basis that the unborn are dependent on someone else to survive. But if an unborn baby has no right to life simply because he or she is unable to survive without help, then there are others who have no right to life either.
#84 – Where’s The Payoff?
The pro-choice side pushes abortion as a solution to social problems. And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse.
#85 – Is Abstinence Realistic?
Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby argues that sex-ed programs based on abstinence are not realistic. But don’t be fooled, the abortion lobby doesn’t reject abstinence because it is unrealistic…