#31 – “There Are Children In Foster Care Who Aren’t Getting Adopted.”

The abortion lobby belittles adoption by saying that there are children in foster care who aren’t getting adopted right now. Once again, we see that the pro-choice solution to any problem is always the same. Killing babies.

Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!

Like how abortion supporters belittles adoption by saying that there are children in foster care who aren’t getting adopted right now. But since those children are already born, that has nothing to do with abortion. Watch to see why…

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The abortion lobby belittles adoption by saying that there are children in foster care who aren’t getting adopted right now.  But since those children are already born, that has nothing to do with abortion.

They also claim that even newborns are hard to place unless they are white and healthy.  That too is a lie.  There are waiting lists of people trying to adopt minority and mixed-race babies, and even babies with physical challenges.  But the pro-choice mob says that, if newborns were not available, people would be more likely to adopt the older children stuck in foster care.  In other words, the way to help hard-to-place children get adopted is to kill the children who are easy to place.  And so once again; we see that the pro-choice solution to any problem is always the same.  Killing babies. 



Watch more “Abortion Distortion” videos from Life Dynamics for the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position!
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. Learn more about our work.

For inquires or requests for interviews, please contact Sheila Crutcher at sheila@lifedynamics.com or (940) 380-8800.

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