#30 – “Thousands of Women Used To Die Every Year From Illegal Abortions!”
The pro-choice side still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions – despite their own people saying otherwise.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions – despite their own people saying otherwise.
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The abortion lobby still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions. In one case, the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, actually said during an interview on MSNBC that, back when abortion was illegal, illegal abortion was the number one killer of child-bearing aged women. Of course, she was lying through her teeth, but she also knew that the dimwitted anchor of the show, Thomas Roberts, would never call her on it.
Then, in pro-choice author Marian Faux’s book, Roe v. Wade, she wrote that, “an image of tens of thousands of women being maimed or killed each year by illegal abortion was so persuasive a piece of propaganda that the [pro-choice] movement could be forgiven its failure to double-check the facts.”
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More Abortion Distortions:
#105 – How Will Future Generations Look Upon Legalized Abortion?
Today, we look back on slavery and the Nazi holocaust and ask ourselves how any nation claiming to be civilized could have allowed these things to happen. How will future generations look back on the era of legalized abortion?
#1 – “Equal Rights For Me, Not For Thee”
Pro-Choicers like to say that, because men don’t have a uterus, they have no right to express an opinion about abortion. But what happened to the idea that our society was supposed to be against gender-based discrimination?
#47 – “Every Child Should Be A Wanted Child.”
One of the pro-choice mob’s standard rationalizations for abortion is that every child should be a wanted child. In other words, as long as we label a child “unwanted,” it should be legal to kill them.