#19 – The Truth about the Church’s Attitude towards The Pro-Life Movement
The fact is, the church’s attitude toward the pro-life movement often ranges from cold indifference to open hostility, and it’s not hard to see where this attitude comes from.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
But sometimes it is also necessary to expose the misconceptions pro-lifers have as well. Such as the belief that we have the support of the church. The fact is, the church’s attitude toward the pro-life movement often ranges from cold indifference to open hostility, and it’s not hard to see where this attitude comes from. Watch to see why….
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The church’s attitude toward the pro-life movement often ranges from cold indifference to open hostility, and it’s not hard to see where this attitude comes from. The uncomfortable truth is that, from the day that the war against unborn children began, far more people who claim to be Christians have shown up at abortion clinics as customers than as protesters. And every time they hear us refer to abortion as murder, they hear themselves being called murderers. What the pro-life community needs to understand is that these people don’t dislike us because they think we’re wrong, they dislike us because they know we’re right.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#54 – If Abortion Solves Social Problems, When Do We Start Seeing Results?
One of the abortion lobby’s sales pitches is that abortion solves social problems. They’ve had decades to prove their point and no one can say that they’ve been stingy in carrying out the death sentences. So when can we start seeing results?
#71 – Why Many Rape Victims Say Abortion Was The Worst Decision They Ever Made
Abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. Watch to see the two big flaws with this argument and why many rape victims say their abortion was the worst decision they ever made.
#37 – “You Can’t Be Pro-Life And Pro-Death Penalty!”
The abortion lobby says that the pro-life movement is hypocritical for supporting the death penalty.