#105 – How Will Future Generations Look Upon Legalized Abortion?
Today, we look back on slavery and the Nazi holocaust and ask ourselves how any nation claiming to be civilized could have allowed these things to happen. How will future generations look back on the era of legalized abortion?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how our nation is letting genocide masquerade as liberty. How will future generations look back on the era of legalized abortion?
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Today, we look back on slavery and the Nazi holocaust and ask ourselves how any nation claiming to be civilized could have allowed these things to happen. And yet, we allow mass genocide to be carried out against the unborn, despite the fact that modern technology has scientifically proven that they are living human beings, and even some people who work in the abortion industry are now openly admitting that abortion takes a human life. But we have decided that it is a capital crime for unborn children to be inconvenient, so we execute them by the millions and toss their tiny corpses into the garbage. The reality is, we are letting genocide masquerade as liberty, and if we think future generations will see us as morally superior to slave traders or concentration camp guards, we are complete fools.
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