#101 – How Many People Do You See?
The pro-choice side chants that “it’s the woman’s body” as if there is only one body involved. Watch to see how idiotic this is…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side chants that “it’s the woman’s body” as if there is only one body involved. Watch to see how idiotic this is…
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The pro-choice mob chants that “it’s the woman’s body” as if there is only one body involved.
To see how idiotic this is, imagine a photo of conjoined – or Siamese – twins and ask yourself how many people are in the picture. Of course, the answer is two. And yet, they are far closer to being one person than a mother and her unborn child are. Conjoined twins are always the same sex, always have the same DNA and blood type, always share at least one external body structure, often share internal organs, and as long as they are joined, if one dies they both die. But none of that is true about a mother and her unborn baby. So obviously, if conjoined twins are individual human beings, then it is biological nonsense to argue that the mother’s body is the only body involved in an abortion.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#113 – The Biggest Irony In The Abortion Battle
There are some incredible ironies in the battle over abortion, but one them really stands out… Watch to see what it is!
#32 – “The Real Issue Is Not Abortion, But Whether We Trust Women”
Abortion defenders say that the real issue is not abortion, but whether we trust women. This is, of course, pure idiocy.
#71 – Why Many Rape Victims Say Abortion Was The Worst Decision They Ever Made
Abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. Watch to see the two big flaws with this argument and why many rape victims say their abortion was the worst decision they ever made.