#1 – “Equal Rights For Me, Not For Thee”
Pro-Choicers like to say that, because men don’t have a uterus, they have no right to express an opinion about abortion. But what happened to the idea that our society was supposed to be against gender-based discrimination?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how pro-choice people often say that, because men don’t have a uterus, they have no right to express an opinion about abortion. But what happened to the idea that our society was supposed to be against gender-based discrimination?
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Those of you in the abortion lobby like to say that, because men don’t have a uterus, they have no right to express an opinion about abortion. But what happened to the idea that our society was supposed to be against gender-based discrimination? And let’s not forget, you’re the ones who brought men into this issue when you started demanding that abortions be paid for with tax dollars. After all, a lot of that money comes from the paychecks of men. But the bigger issue is that real men don’t just stand around with their hands in their pockets while helpless babies are butchered. That means that being involved in this issue is not only their right, it’s their duty. So whether you like it or not, as long as you’re killing babies, some of the people fighting you will be men. Deal with it.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#64 – The Chilling Link Between the Holocaust & The Abortion Industry
There is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. Watch to see what it is…
#117 – Right-To-Life Isn’t Determined By Development
Some abortion defenders say that abortion is not murder because the fetus is not fully developed. But that doesn’t make it okay to kill them.
#68 – Where Are The Calls For Legislation To Make Force or Abortion Coercion a Federal Crime?
It’s well known that women and girls are often forced to have abortions against their will. And yet, the “my body, my choice” crowd is fully aware of this problem but silently looks the other way. Watch to see why…