Abortion pill reversals save unborn babies

Women seeking abortion are often unsure of their decision and now an abortion pill reversal process if helping women save their unborn children. Last year, Andrea Minichini sought an abortion at a Planned Parenthood in Morristown, New Jersey, where she was given mifepristone, the first of a two-drug abortion pill regimen to kill babies up…

Women seeking abortion are often unsure of their decision and now an abortion pill reversal process if helping women save their unborn children.

Last year, Andrea Minichini sought an abortion at a Planned Parenthood in Morristown, New Jersey, where she was given mifepristone, the first of a two-drug abortion pill regimen to kill babies up until nine weeks in the womb.

Mifepristone blocks progesterone, and therefore starves the baby while the second drug, Misoprostol, causes contractions, which expel the baby.

This kind of abortion is performed about 200,000 times per year in the United States.

Minichini shared her story at a press conference in Washington, DC earlier this week.

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Minichini says that as she sat in the Planned Parenthood exam room she didn’t really want to swallow the deadly pill in her hand but the abortionist began to lecture her saying that the pill was expensive and would melt if she didn’t take it soon.

Minichini said that she swallowed the pill and went home with a second pill, misoprostol, that she was instructed to take 24 hours later.

Having a change of heart and desperate to save her unborn child’s life, Minichini said that she went to the emergency room where hospital personnel told her that her baby would be born “deformed” if she didn’t complete the abortion. She then called two ob-gyn doctors, including her own, but neither could help her.

By then Minichini had started to bleed and had slight cramping. She thought it was too late, but a Google search led her to a story about a woman in California who had a child after a reversal. That story led her to a 24-hour hotline (877-558-0333), and the nurse at the hotline connected her to a doctor in Clark, N.J. The doctor gave her progesterone injections to counteract the mifepristone, and monitored her throughout the pregnancy.

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Minichini now says that those progesterone injections saved her unborn son’s life. Gabriel David was born Dec. 31, 2014, two days before his due date and weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds, 9 ounces.

Gabriel is one of hundreds of successful abortion pill reversal stories that have become public of late.

Andrea didn’t want to take the drug, but the doctor bullied her and she swallowed the lie!” says Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.

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Priests for Life and the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists are working together to spread the word that a simple and safe medical protocol has been developed to save babies after their mothers have taken the first drug of the two-drug procedure known as “RU-486.”

The group has developed an “Emergency Abortion Pill Reversal Kit,” which contains instructions and paperwork on how to reverse the medical abortion.

Abortion Pill Reversal Kit PFL

The abortion pill reversal protocol was developed by Dr. George Delgado who says that hundreds of women have called the hotline, 1-877-558-0333, for advice and referrals.

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The process requires multiple shots of progesterone, both immediately after taking RU-486 and then regularly for several weeks, to counteract the abortion pill’s effects, Dr. Mary L. Davenport, a San Francisco-based member of AAPLOG, told the Washington Times.

The unborn baby must still have a heartbeat to begin the process and the shots must be administered within 24 to 48 hours after the first drug has been taken, but before the second.

While the progesterone therapy has not caused birth defects in any of the children saved to date, it does not always work. Since 2007, 223 reversals have been attempted and 127 have been successful.

Andrea Minichini Fr Fank Pavone Abortionn Reversal

“Abortion supporters like to say that women who choose abortion have made well thought-out decisions. The reality, however, is that those going into abortion facilities are filled with doubt and ambivalence,” Father Pavone said.

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“It’s important for those who take the deadly RU-486 drug to know that there is time to save the baby if they have a change of heart. And it’s important that doctors know this simple protocol is available, ” he emphasized.

The group says that they have doctors all over the U.S. as well as internationally who are willing to help women reverse the effects of the abortion pill. Women as well as interested physicians can find out more at www.abortionpillreversal.com


  1. I was lied to about not being pregnant. I took a test for a positive result so I went to planned Parenthood cause I didn’t have health insurance and wanted to confirm my pregnancy and they took over 20 minutes and told me I wasn’t pregnant but being stupid I went against what I believed and took think pill a pregnant nurse gave me and saw my dead baby in the toilet and the pain were so severe. I went back to confront them and they insisted they made a mistake and gave me the wrong test results which now I’m living with the fact I killed my own baby when I’m 100% against abortions

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