50 years for man who forced abortion on teen he raped

A 54-year-old Texas pedophile has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after authorities say he raped and impregnated a teen and then forced an abortion on her. According to court testimony, Mauricio Hernandez, who worked as an Irving Independent School District custodian sexually assaulted the 14-year-old victim, impregnated her, then gave her pills forcing…

A 54-year-old Texas pedophile has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after authorities say he raped and impregnated a teen and then forced an abortion on her.


According to court testimony, Mauricio Hernandez, who worked as an Irving Independent School District custodian sexually assaulted the 14-year-old victim, impregnated her, then gave her pills forcing her to deliver a baby in a soccer park portable toilet in April 2013.

The victim told police that Hernandez was a father figure to the teen who referred to him as “dad.”

Hernandez often took the teen to soccer practice.

When the teen was about eight months pregnant she and the rapist were at the soccer field when the baby was delivered in a porta-potty bathroom.

The victim said she heard a “large plop,” looked into the waste tank and saw a “small hand in the blue water,” according to the police report.

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Police said that the 8th grade victim’s mother noticed that her daughter was bleeding. The victim was taken the hospital where she identified Hernandez as the man who impregnated and raped her. She also spoke up about the eight month pregnancy and giving birth to a baby.

The victim’s mother testified that she did not know about the sexual relationship or pregnancy until after her daughter delivered the baby and came home bleeding.

When I saw the clothes with all the blood on it, I grabbed the clothes, threw them at [Hernandez’s] face and asked, ‘What have you done to my little girl?’” she said.

According to the Dallas Morning News, police say Hernandez never attempted to rescue the newborn because he was afraid of getting in trouble.

Authorities later found the dead baby girl, which the victim named Brianna, in the toilet, submerged in blue liquid and covered with towelettes.

Prosecutors say she drowned.

Hernandez has pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault of a child and an additional charge of capital murder for leaving the baby to die.

The teen testified how she keeps a photo of the infant taken at the baby’s funeral by her bedside, where she can look at it “every night when I go to sleep.”


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